Saturday, April 30, 2022

Council Study Session - 4/28/2022

The 07:30 a.m. early morning session last Thursday in The Lower Chambers went on and on for more than two hours, with District 2 Councilmember  Julie Spilsbury absent and excused since she's traveling.
Presiding officer Hizzoner John Giles asks some open-ended questions then throws over control to City Manager Chris Brady, not even asking if there's any public input or participation. 
PLEASE NOTE: Items from Citizens is always the last item on the Consent Agenda: Item 8
That's "par-for-the-course" to continue with the business of government proceeding per usual -- calling in a cast of city officials to make their Power-Point presentations on two items: Item 4-a and Item 4-f.
First up is Deputy City Manager Marc Hirschberger, former head of Parks & Recreation and Community Facilities making the case for dollar-amount increases in city contracts, using a phrase it's "Back to the Future" for him. . .
Roll Call (City Council members participate in person, telephonically, or electronically.) 
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the May 2, 2022 regular Council meeting. 

2 Presentations/Action Items: 22-0587 
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Community Services Department budget. 
2-a 22-0587 
File #:22-0587   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:4/28/2022
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Community Services Department budget.
Attachments:1. Presentation

Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Arts & Culture Department budget. 
2-b 22-0589
File #:22-0589   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:4/28/2022
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Arts & Culture Department budget.
Attachments:1. Presentation

3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees. 
3-a 22-0608 Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on March 24, 2022.
File #:22-0608   
Type:MinutesStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:4/28/2022
Title:Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on March 24, 2022.
Attachments:1. March 24, 2022 Audit Finance and Enterprise

8-page AGENDA FOR MAY 02, 2022
4 Take action on the following contracts: 
22-0581 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Contractor Building Maintenance Services as requested by the Parks Recreation and Community Facilities Department (PRCF) (Citywide) 
The increase will provide sufficient funding for necessary repairs to Mesa City Plaza and Dobson Ranch Golf Course, as well as future building maintenance services required by PRCF, until the contract expires on 10/31/2022. 
The Parks Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar limit with 
  • Builders Guild Inc. (a Mesa business), 
  • Diamond Ridge Development, 
  • East Valley Disaster Services (a Mesa business), 
  • SDB Inc., 
  • Skyline Builders, 
  • August Building Company, LLC; 
  • BWC Enterprises Inc., dba Woodruff Construction; and 
  • Robert N Ewing General Contractor, 
Year 5 by $3,500,000, from $2,700,000 to $6,200,000, based on estimated requirements. *4-a 

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22-0565 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Aquatic Maintenance Parts for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide) 
This contract will provide aquatic maintenance repair parts and new equipment for the 11 sites maintained by PRCF - Aquatics Maintenance. These repair and maintenance parts are critical to the proper operations and continued safety of the City’s commercial aquatic facilities. The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders, Aquatic Environmental Systems and John Strider, dba Diving Board Solutions, LLC, at $45,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. 

22-0601 Purchase of New Employee Onboarding Software (Addition) for the Human Resources Department (as requested by the Office of ERP Management) (Sole Source) (Citywide) 
This subscription software solution is intended to automate the onboarding processes performed by the Human Resources New Hire Team. 
The Onboarding module provides the ability to create new hire checklists, electronically deliver required new hire paperwork, and uses the new hire candidates existing NeoGov personal profile to access and complete required tasks and paperwork. 
The City currently uses the NeoGov Insight recruitment module that facilitates all aspects of the recruiting process from the opening and approval of a new or replacement requisition, through the screening, interview, offer, and candidate acceptance steps. 
Onboarding is the is designed to work in tandem with Insight recruitment module. 
The Human Resources Department, Office of ERP Management and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to NeoGov, at $98,849.93. *4-c 

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22-0566 Four-Month Contract Extension and Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for GEA Westfalia Centrifuge Parts and Services for the Water Resources Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) 
This contract provides GEA Westfalia centrifuge parts, and repair and maintenance services essential to safely operating all GEA Westfalia separator decanters at the Greenfield and Northwest Water Reclamation Plants. 
The department requests to extend this contract for four months and increase the contract amount by $670,000
This contract extension and increase will allow the Water Resources Department to complete inspections, identified maintenance needs, and work in progress with the vendor, as the City completes establishment of a new contract. 
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend extending the contract and increasing the dollar-limit with GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc., by $670,000, from $450,000 to $1,120,000. *4-d 

22-0570 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Lycofit Mechanical Fittings for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Energy Resources Department) (Single Bid Response) (Citywide) This contract provides Lycofit mechanical fittings for new construction projects and the maintenance and repair of existing gas utilities. Energy Resources Department - Gas Utility uses these mechanical fittings, manufactured by R.W. Lyall & Company, Inc., to connect polyethylene pipe in the City’s natural gas distribution system. The Business Services and Energy Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the qualified, responsive, and responsible bidder, Border States Industries, Inc., at $242,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. *4-e 

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22-0567 Monterey Park Expansion - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) No. 1 (District 6) The expansion of Monterey Park is needed for additional baseball/softball fields and parking lot, irrigation system, landscape improvements, pickleball courts, playground and a small library building. The first GMP No. 1 includes site clearing and mass grading, installation of underground utilities, irrigation infrastructure, field lighting, fencing, landscaping, and some hardscapes. A second GMP will be presented to Council at a future date to include the remainder of the project scope. Staff recommends awarding a construction services contract to the CMAR, Hunter Contracting Co., in the amount of $8,450,179.41 (GMP), and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $422,508.97 (5%), for a total amount of $8,872,688.38. The project is funded by 2018 General Obligation bonds and Capital General Funds. *4-f 

5 Take action on the following resolutions: 
22-0564 Extinguishing a drainage easement and drainage covenant located at 3745 South Power Road to accommodate construction of a new coffee shop; requested by the property owner. (District 6) *5-a 

22-0534 Extinguishing a portion of a 20-foot public utility easement and public utilities and facilities easement located at 1506 South Signal Butte Road to accommodate the construction of a new Whataburger restaurant; requested by the property owner. (District 6) *5-b 

22-0579 Extinguishing a portion of a 20-foot public utility easement and public utilities and facilities easement, a temporary drainage easement, and a portion of a 10-foot drainage easement, all located at 1458 South Signal Butte Road to accommodate the construction of a new commercial development called “Mountain Vista Market Place”, requested by the property owner. (District 6) *5-c 

22-0580 Extinguishing a portion of a 20-foot public utility easement and public utilities and facilities easement located at 1558 South Signal Butte Road to accommodate the construction of a new EOS Fitness gym; requested by the property owner. (District 6) *5-d 

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22-0495 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Maricopa County for the deployment of traffic signals devices along Power Road and Sossaman Road, between the Loop 202 Santan Freeway and ASU Polytechnic Campus/Innovation Way. The equipped traffic signals will support connected vehicle applications and develop, integrate, and configure the Multimodal Intelligent Traffic Signal System (MMITSS) application. (District 6) *5-e 

22-0556 Endorsing the creation of the Fillmore Place Irrigation Water Delivery District that is generally bound by East Kino Drive on the north, East 7th Place on the south, North Mesa Drive on the west, and North Horne on the east. (District 1) The formation of an irrigation water delivery district allows the District to make improvements and perform maintenance and operations of their irrigation system. Final designation of the District is determined by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. *5-f 

6 Introduction of the following ordinances and setting May 16, 2022 as the date of the public hearing on these ordinances: 
22-0181 ZON21-00940 (District 2) Within the 3100 block of East Southern Avenue (south side) and the 1200 block of South 32nd Street (west side). Located east of Lindsay Road on the south side of Southern Avenue (2.4± acres). Rezone from Single Residence 9 (RS-9) to Multiple Residence 3 with a Planned Area Development overlay (RM-3-PAD) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multiple residence development. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *6-a 

22-0352 ZON21-01126 (District 6) Within the 3200 to 3400 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Signal Butte Road (65.8± acres). Rezone from Agricultural (AG) to Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LI-PAD) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for an industrial development. Noel Griemsmann, Snell & Wilmer, LLP, applicant; Signal Butte Mesa Holdings, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0) *6-b 

22-0571 Amending Article VI, Section 609 of the Mesa City Charter related to certain requirements for City procurements, subject to the approval of the amendment by the qualified electors of the City of Mesa. (Citywide) *6-c 

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22-0583 Amending Article II, Section 205(D) of the Mesa City Charter to allow a meet and confer process and memorandum of understanding with sworn public safety employee organizations on behalf of certain sworn public safety employees concerning wages and other forms of direct monetary compensation, hours, non-health related benefits, and working conditions not covered under state or federal laws or city personnel rules, subject to the approval of the amendment by the qualified electors of the City of Mesa. (Citywide) *6-d 

7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances: 
22-0484 ZON21-00435 (District 2) Within the 4400 block of East Baseline Road (north side). Located east of Greenfield Road on the north side of Baseline Road (1.2± acres). Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for a multi-tenant retail building with a drive-thru. Zach Collins, applicant; BASELINE 9 LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *7-a 

22-0485 ZON21-00921 (District 5) Within the 10000 block of East Southern Avenue (north side) and within the 1000 to 1200 blocks of South Crismon Road (east side). Located north of Southern Avenue and east of Crismon Road (8.5± acres). Rezone from Limited Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LC-PAD) to Multiple Residence 3 with a Planned Area Development overlay (RM-3-PAD), and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multiple residence development. Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant; PROS INVESTMENTS LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *7-b 

22-0486 ZON21-01024 (District 6) Within the 7200 to 7400 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (east side). Located south of Pecos Road on the east side of the Hawes Road alignment (13± acres). Rezone from Light Industrial with a Bonus Intensity Zone overlay and Office Commercial with a Bonus Intensity Zone overlay (LI-BIZ and OC-BIZ) to Light Industrial and Office Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LI-PAD and OC-PAD), and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for an industrial development. Katie Rounds, The Kaidence Group, applicant; HAWES COMMERCE PARK LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *7-c 

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Items not on the Consent Agenda 8 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker). 

9 Adjournment


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