Saturday, April 23, 2022

ZELENSKY "MAN OF THE PEOPLE" ...Nope it's all Political Theater

> He’s currently worth roughly $20 million, based on reporting by Forbes Ukraine.

> Additional reporting by Forbes US puts that number at less than $30 million

President Zelensky Is Not A Billionaire. So How Much Is He Worth?

Despite social media reports claiming he’s a billionaire, Volodymyr Zelensky doesn’t come close to making Forbes’ global wealth rankings.

". . .The insinuation is clear. For Zelensky, a former comedian, to have accumulated a fortune of this size, there must be corruption involved. And while this claim has been parroted by its fair share of anonymous Twitter eggs, a number of blue checks have gotten in on the action. . .

Forbes’ answer: he’s not. The Russian invasion has hit Ukraine’s billionaires hard. According to Forbes’ 36th annual World’s Billionaires List, there are only seven left in the country and Zelensky is not one of them (nor is former president and chocolate magnate Petro Poroshenko, who dropped from the rankings this year).

But unlike his predecessor, Zelensky never was a billionaire.

> He’s currently worth roughly $20 million, based on reporting by Forbes Ukraine.

> Additional reporting by Forbes US puts that number at less than $30 million.

His main asset: an estimated 25% stake in Kvartal 95, a group of companies that produce humorous shows, which he transferred to his partners after being elected president, though he’ll likely regain his shares after leaving office.

Kvartal 95 produced and owns the Servant of the People series, a popular political comedy starring Zelensky as a Ukrainian high school teacher who is elected president.

> Netflix, which previously streamed the show between 2017 and 2021, snapped up the rights again in March. With estimated revenues of $30 million annually, Forbes Ukraine values Zelensky’s stake at $11 million.

While he does own a flat in one of Ukraine’s most expensive apartment buildings in the center of Kyiv, it’s relatively modest by Western standards.

> Forbes estimates Zelensky’s entire real estate portfolio is worth $4 million, including two more wholly owned apartments, two that he co-owns, a single commercial property and five parking spaces.

> Zelensky did own a $4.6 million villa in Forte dei Marmi, Italy as of December 2019, according to the most recent filing by his holding company. He apparently sold it during 2020 (it had shown up in his declarations for 2018 and 2019 but not 2020) along with a small plot of land and 5 hotel rooms in Georgia (popular upper-middle-class investments in Ukraine).

The cash from these sales was declared and is included in Forbes’ estimate, but because the sum is less than the estimated value of the real estate, it is possible Zelensky remains a de facto beneficiary or the cash is invested elsewhere. . .

> We estimate he and his wife Olena Zelenska share a bank account that holds roughly $2 million in cash and government bonds.

> Their other assets, consisting of two cars and some jewelry, are worth no more than $1 million.

Zelensky won’t be making Forbes’ billionaires list anytime soon. But he’s got much bigger things on his mind."

NOTE: This post was updated on April 21, 2022 to add reference to additional real estate identified by Forbes.

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