21 June 2023

Facts USA: Inter-State Migration , . .Most exported goods went to Canada ($356.1 billion), Mexico ($324.4

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  • Arizona gained the second most residents from California, 63,000 people, and

  • Nevada followed with 55,000.

Interstate migration trends can reflect shifting societal patterns. Factors such as job prospects, housing costs, and lifestyle choices shape these population movements. This knowledge is crucial for policymakers, businesses, and everyday people planning for the future. Here are closer looks at population losses and gains in two of the nation’s biggest states: California and Texas.

  • Texas gained 105,000 residents from California alone throughout 2020. That’s the highest number of out-of-state transplants moving to Texas. But since Texas is one of the nation’s most populous states, recent movers from California comprised only 0.36% of the 2021 Texas population.

Percentages of state populations that moved to Texas in 2020. New Mexico had the highest percentage leave. West Virginia had the least.
  • Around 596,000 Americans from other states moved to Texas in 2020. With 421,000 Texans also leaving the state, Texas gained a net 177,000 residents through domestic migration.

  • Arizona gained the second most residents from California, 63,000 people, and Nevada followed with 55,000.

  •  However, Nevada and Idaho had the highest proportion of recent California transplants: 1.74% and 1.38% of their respective populations.  

  • Job searches, easier commutes, and other work-related reasons were the most common explanations for interstate migration from 2000 to 2019. Family reasons, such as marriage, were the second most common.

See the facts on the states Californians moved to and more on the states people left to go live in Texas.

Data behind the news

Today is World Refugee Day. Get the facts on where many refugees resettle in the US.

Tropical Storm Bret is no longer expected to turn into a hurricane. How does NOAA predict hurricanes? Find out here.

Don’t forget to take the weekly fact quiz!

One last fact

The nation exported a record $3 trillion in goods and services last year, roughly $250 billion more than in 2021 (after adjusting for inflation).

  • Most exported goods went to Canada ($356.1 billion), Mexico ($324.4 billion), China ($153.8), Japan ($80.3 billion), and the United Kingdom ($77.3 billion).
  • The most common exports were crude oil and other petroleum products, industrial machinery, electronics, and plastic materials.


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