Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Get the State of the Union in Numbers | USA FACTS

Article II of the US Constitution requires that the president of the United States deliver an annual State of the Union, including a budget report, legislative proposals, and national priorities.

The State of the Union might be heavy on policy or accomplishments, but it’s seldom unbiased, which is where USAFacts’ 2024 State of the Union in Numbers comes in. Our data-driven, impartial report covers topics traditionally emphasized in State of the Union addresses.

Here’s a preview of what’s available in this year’s report:


Federal budget
  • The federal government brought in nearly $4.5 trillion in revenue in fiscal year 2023. About half of this was collected through individual income taxes, while 37% was through payroll taxes.

  • Federal revenue amounted to $13,341 per person. The government spent $18,406 per person. Per-person fiscal year 2023 revenue was 4% higher and spending was 63% higher than in fiscal year 2000.

Standard of living

  • The net worth of the middle class averaged about $449,200 per household from January to the end of September 2023. That’s 8.4% of total household wealth nationwide. Real estate is the biggest aspect of this wealth.


Share of US population
  • From 2000 to 2022, the Hispanic share of the US population grew faster than any other, rising from 12.6% to 19.1%.


  • Homicide was the fourth-most common manner of death in 2019. By 2022, it was the second-most common, surpassing suicide and cancer. Firearms were the primary weapon in 77% of child homicides.

  • Fentanyl-involved overdose deaths rose from 0.8 deaths per 100,000 people in 2012 to 22.8 per 100,000 people in 2022.


Foreign aid obligations*
  • According to preliminary data, the US made $13.1 billion in Ukraine aid obligations in fiscal year 2022, more than 23 times higher than the amount committed to Ukraine in fiscal year 2021 and nearly 32 times higher than the 2000–2021 average.


  • The number of immigrants turned away or apprehended at US borders reached 3.2 million in fiscal year 2023, the most since at least 1980.

There’s even more in the new report: Track inflation back to January 1998, see how much trash the average American produces every day, and discover the top reasons people immigrate to the US. Before President Joe Biden’s State of the Union on March 7, get the State of the Union in Numbers.

Data behind the news

This is the last week of Black History Month. USAFacts has 10 facts to mark the occasion. 

President Biden recently signed an executive order to strengthen America’s ability to respond to cybersecurity threats at ports. How many cyber-attacks occur in the US?

Ukrainian forces suffered major setbacks against Russian forces weeks ago, losing the city of Avdiivka. Here’s an even deeper dive into the aid the US has provided Ukraine, including details on a lend-lease program requiring Ukraine to pay the US back at a later date. 

Have you taken the Weekly Fact Quiz? If you read last week’s newsletter, you’re sure to get top marks.


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