Friday, February 23, 2024

PROPAGANDA BINGE: Visiting Ukraine, Schumer Pressures G.O.P. to Take Up Aid Bill

 “The war has turned against them for only one reason: lack of ammunition and air cover,” Mr. Schumer said.
Visiting Ukraine, Schumer Aims to Pressure G.O.P. to Take Up Aid Bill - The  New York Times

Visiting Ukraine, Schumer Pressures G.O.P. to Take Up Aid Bill

The top Senate Democrat warned that the fate of its war against Russia will turn on whether Republicans drop their opposition to sending more U.S. aid to Kyiv.
Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, used a trip to Ukraine on Friday to issue a dire warning to Republicans in Congress who are blocking tens of billions of dollars in military aid to the war-torn nation, saying their continued opposition would lead directly to Kyiv’s defeat in its fight against a Russian invasion.
  • “Everyone we saw, from Zelensky on down made this very point clear: If Ukraine gets the aid, they will win the war and beat Russia,” Mr. Schumer said in an interview as he wrapped up his first official trip to Ukraine, including a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky. 
  • “But if they don’t get the aid, they will surely lose the war.”
President Volodymyr Zelensky shakes hands with Senator Chuck Schumer, who stands with other senators in front of Ukraine flags.
In an image provided by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Senator Chuck Schumer is shown meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine in Lviv on Friday.Credit...

. . .Mr. Schumer also sought to rebut an argument made by some Republican opponents of the aid that funding Kyiv’s war effort is merely committing to a losing battle — or one that would take years to come close to winning. 

  • Ukrainian officials told him there was “no evidence” that, with U.S. aid, Ukraine could not win the war, he said.
  • But he said it would take a long-term commitment from the United States to help Ukraine gain the upper hand against Russia.
“From what they said, I would estimate a few years,” Mr. Schumer said. 
  • He added Ukrainian leaders told him “if they start succeeding militarily, the pressure on Putin will be great and he will sue for peace.”

Senate leader Chuck Schumer visits Ukraine amid US Congress aid impasse |  The Straits Times

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