25 September 2024

Former Bad-Boy Snack Turns Classy -- The right toppings can elevate even the humblest noodle bowl

Now they are back. . . Jason Holt, a world foods buyer at Ocado, said: “When it comes to a budget-friendly quick-fix for dinner, you can’t get much better than packet noodles, but here, these have often been dismissed as a bit studenty and not very gourmet – I’m happy that’s starting to change.
“As the many TikTok fans will attest, the right toppings – like nori and chilli oil – can elevate even the humblest noodle bowl, adding texture, flavour and extra nutrients.”

A TikTok trend for garnishing ramen noodles has turned yesterday’s post-pub last resort into today’s desirable dish

With their bad-taste adverts and laddish branding, instant noodles were once a mainstay for lazy bachelors who needed a quick post-pub fix.

Now they are back in the limelight – but with a gourmet makeover spurred by a social media trend. Supermarket sales and search data show instant noodles are once again becoming a cupboard staple, this time with a few “fancy” additions.

Rather than the Pot Noodles and Super Noodles preferred in the 1990s and early 2000s, ramen noodles are now taking centre stage after being marketed to gen Z as more authentic.

The TikTok trend that has seemingly helped spur the rise in their popularity, is the notion of “making them fancy”: adding extra ingredients which – shock horror – might even add further nutritional benefits.

  • Sales of instant noodles have risen by 50% year on year on Ocado’s website, while searches for ramen noodles have jumped by 35%.
Searches for ingredients to upgrade the quick meal are also up
  • Chilli oil searches on Ocado have increased by 48%, 
  • Crispy onions are up 27% and 
  • Seaweed about 20% in September this year, in comparison with 2023.
Jonny Forsyth, senior director of Mintel’s food and drink division, said the market for instant noodles had evolved, and brands are now using influencers to push their product..."

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