Thursday, June 11, 2015

Image Mosaic On The Streets in The New Urban Downtown Mesa

A sampling of some of the small and big and wonderful and surprising expressions of people that don't come from a Chain of Command - people are spontaneously Creating their own Place-Making - no committees to get permission from, no bureaucracy, no politicos who take six months to come up with a vision - these are the visions created by everyday people using their own resources and talents.

Starting from Upper Left and going Clock-wise by rows

  • Portion of a huge mural seen on the back of a building on Hibbert Street just above Broadway - close by Mesa Grain & Feed.
  • Artist signature from 2006 - anybody know who the artist is?
  • A detail from the same mural - what's with those cows parachuting?
  • Panoramic view of entire mural with Grain Elevator way in the left background
  • Mural on the East side of Department of Economic Security building that faces McDonald
  • Rear of building next to VFW Post on McDonald & First Avenue, in back of the newly-opened Prime Cut Barber Shop & Boutique
  • On the Blackboard @ LoFi Coffee - who's the Fun Guy [artist?] doing that stuff?
  • Sidewalk Sculpture for Welding Shop
  • Larry in front of LoFi - streetlife is getting colorful, The Mad Hatter with the WOW
  • Back of what-used-to-be O.S. Stapley Store - big graphic on the alley
  • First vertical gardens in Downtown Mesa: happy to see these [first in bloom and second with new plantings]

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