Friday, June 26, 2015

Everyone's On Twitter > MAKE MESA WEIRDER????????

Image from Downtown Mesa Association
QUESTION: Is that what the residents of The New Urban Downtown Mesa want? . . . or just another public relations play on social media by certain individuals or an organization with an agenda of some kind?

Makes your MesaZona blogger wonder: 
Weirder than What?
When there's NO VISION from the Downtown Vision Committee more than three months after a six-month deadline to produce a vision, this is what people like the mayor and others occupy their time with!  
C'mon Let's Focus . . . what you see in the image to the left is far from weird - it looks more like an episode from The Twilight Zone, with a little patch of AstroTurf on the asphalt and NO PEOPLE > that's what your blogger finds weird.
Pardon me, but after millions of dollars spent on "redevelopment" and "live-ability" and "sustainability"  and "a vibrant and exciting downtown" this is what we've got to show for it?
It's not even fun goin' for the weird or trying to make Mesa weirder - it's a waste of time.

In this image shown time and time again here, readers of MesaZona blog can see what could be The New Urban Downtown Mesa.
Your blogger doesn't have the time for make Mesa weirder, but if you would like to enjoy Twitter comments,here are some of the people taking to Twitter to Make Mesa Weirder

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