Friday, January 27, 2017

A Lavender Conference, A Hotel + A Back-Story: Visit Mesa Marketing/Agritourism

Your MesaZona blogger was "on a mission" today and it somehow turned into a surprising direction right on Center Street to the visitor information office, talking to Rachel Semik, Projects Assistant at Visit Mesa
How did that happen?
A few weeks ago, as is often the case, a post was done to highlight a conference scheduled for January - The U.S. Lavender Growers Association to be held here in Mesa ... but Why?
The conference kicked-off with a welcome reception on Thursday evening, and offers pre-conference workshops starting Thursday morning and offers education and collaboration opportunities for lavender growers and will be expanding this year to offer a separate track for those who want to expand their knowledge of the use of lavender. This year's artisan track focuses on culinary use of lavender.
Mesa  is an area steeped in farming culture, with a focus on farm to table cuisine, innovative farming technology, and the agritourist. 
Here's a link to that post back on Jan 11 2017
Rachel Semik
The answer became apparent today after some exchanges on social media and a quick telephone-talk with Kara Wasserbach [see note blogger's note below], who's organizing the logistics and conference details for USLGA responding to my questions emphasizing how that organization made the decision to schedule the conference here.
It was my pleasure to get off-track and take a jaunt for a couple of blocks to 20 N Center Street to "nose-around" the visitor information offices where the cheery and enthusiastic voice of Rachel greeted me.
Kera had point-blank told me that the marketing and sales people at Visit Mesa had convinced the group to have their conference here. That's a success story for sure.
Rachel and the staff began their efforts eight months ago when the lavender group was invited to come here to see what Mesa has to offer for on-site visits to Schepf Farms, Agritopia and Queen Creek Olive Oil Mill that are all featured in one of the twelve promotion areas for the boundless outdoors attractions here:
FARM RICH COUNTRY, Mesa's bountiful harvest is proudly shared with visitors.

Here's a link to the Facebook page for this conference

Kera Wasserbach

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