Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Game On This Weekend @ Mesa Convention Center

Board this weekend?
Arizona Game Fair launches in Mesa
Source: Nerdvana Media
The first Arizona Game Fair gets rolling this weekend at the Mesa Convention Center’s Rendezvous Center.
In addition to more than 6,000 square feet of open gaming, badged attendees will find a huge library of board and card games they can “check out,” as well as organized board game, roleplaying game, card and miniature gaming events, vendors and encounters with guests who work in the game industry.
Never hopped aboard Ticket to Ride? Dying to try Boss Monster? Looking to stock up the game cupboard? This will be the time and place for all that and much, much more.
Industry guests include
Amanda and Edward from the Heavy Cardboard podcast (who will be at a meet-and-greet event 7 p.m. Friday)
  • Tunnels & Trolls creator Ken St. Andre
  • Flying Buffalo’s Rick Loomis
  • game designer Michael Eskue
  • Tasty Minstrel’s Seth Jaffe
  • Game designer Daniel Keltner
  • Game designer Tory Neumann
  • Game designer David Short.
The fair runs 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.
Weekend badges cost $30, individual day badges $15 and under-12 “sidekick” badgets cost $10, all available online through Friday.

At the show, prices are $40 for the weekend, $20 individual day and also $10 for sidekicks.

For more information, see the Arizona Game Fair website, and be sure to read our interview with event mastermind Andrew Long — a longtime friend of mine and Nerdvana’s whom we’re proud to support.

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