Monday, January 23, 2017

WTFark? Let's Call PM-25 What It Is : AIR POLLUTION


PM-2.5 increasing after tomorrow's rain...

Weekly Air Quality Forecast

for areas within and bordering Maricopa County in Arizona

NOTE: THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED OR POSTED BEYOND MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. Instead, refer to the Daily Air Quality Forecast HERE for the latest info...

ISSUED: Sunday, January 22, 2016 2017

The main pollutant of concern this week will be PM-2.5.

Air quality tomorrow should be just fine as another weather system will be pushing through the region bring more wind and rain. By Tuesday, calmer weather conditions will begin to set back in over the region and allow PM-2.5 trend upwards... Read more  
AIR POLLUTION in Mesa and Maricopa County is a persistent and recurring health-threatening problem - it's more than "an issue" or "a challenge"  as you can see in the mapping to the left for ozone and particulate matter POLLUTION.
The sources are identified in the image at the start of this post.If this isn't one of those so-called "Quality of Life" issues your MesaZona blogger doesn't know what is.
Who can name one person here in Mesa or Maricopa County - elected to city government or hired to protect the environment - who is dealing with this very visible threat to personal health that affects us all?
Here's a moving image from last year tracking the problem

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