Friday, January 27, 2017

Doomsday Clock Set Ahead > World Closer To Nuclear TiK-Off

Published on Jan 25, 2017
Views: 2,729
Doomsday Clock - World set to move closer to nuclear armageddon after Trump inauguration

THE world is set to move closer to nuclear armageddon after the inauguration of Donald Trump and the threat from Russia and North Korea, according to the infamous Doomsday Clock..
Scientists are expected to move the clock's hands to two minutes to midnight on Thursday, with 00.00 representing the end of humanity.

The countdown, established in 1947 by experts building the first atomic bomb in America, was created to demonstrate in the simplest way possible of how much danger the Earth is in from nuclear war.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists currently has the clock pointed to 23.57 but as of tomorrow it will move to 23.58.
The move will mark the closest the world has ever been to global obliteration since 1953 when the United States boosted its nuclear capacity with the hydrogen bomb.

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