Sunday, January 15, 2017

JUSTICE DELAYED? Year-Old Mesa Police Killing of Daniel Shaver

Philip “Mitch” Brailsford, who shot and killed an unarmed man begging not to be killed as he was forced to crawl towards cops in a hotel hallway was sued again this week.
He was fired from the Mesa Police Department after killing Daniel Shaver last year and is still awaiting trial for second-degree murder. While only a partial highly-edited video was finally released months later, why is it that the MCSO can release a video almost immediately of a naked woman stealing a truck?
Video released of nude Mesa woman who stole MCSO deputy's truck
Link here >>

The lawsuit was filed by Daniel Whatever's parents, Norma and Grady Shaver, on Tuesday, January 9, 2017.
Also mentioned in the lawsuit is Brailsford’s commanding officer, Sergeant Charles Langley, and the city of Mesa, according to the Arizona Republic.
Shaver's wife, Laney Sweet, has filed a $35 notice of claim against the city of Mesa, which is an intent to sue, but she has not yet filed the lawsuit. Brailsford is expected to go to trial towards the end of the year.
Body cam footage of the shooting has been partially released, meaning the actual shooting was not included in the video released

The incident took place in January 18, 2016 as Shaver was inside a fifth-floor hotel room with a couple of acquaintances showing them a pellet gun he used in his pest control business.
Former Mesa police officer Mark Brailsford is the son of an internal affairs cop, who shot and killed Shaver with an AR-15 with the words, “You’re Fucked,” inscribed on it, described it as a “terrifying” experience, watching Shaver crawling towards him, tugging his shorts.
More details - and the released video are included in this link >>  PINAC 

On April 4, 2016 months after the incident where Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery refused to release any part of the body-cam video to the public, it hits the news headlines again
Arizona Police Union Spurs Facebook Backlash, Defends Cop Seeking Plea Deal in Murder Case
The Facebook page of the Mesa police union blew up over the weekend with more comments than they have likes on their page for defending the indefensible.
The Mesa Arizona police union unleashed their poisonous Facebook post very late on April 1st, but it wasn’t an April Fools joke.
You can see the post below, which has attracted over 848 comments, while the page only has 835 likes right now, including a whopping 264 angry reactions compared to 17 heart or love reactions.
See more details and the social media post and comments  here


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