Sunday, January 22, 2017

WATCH THIS: Planning & Zoning Meeting - 1/18/2017 [Approved Minutes]

A nervous chairman says there's a lot of commotion and interest going on in blue cards - over 15 are submitted.
Published: 19 Jan 2017
Views: 3
Duration: 1:41:10

Item 3b
2200 Block of W Main Street of  Ella located west of Dobson & Main [northside'
60-unit proposed development  affordable senior housing on 2.41 acres designed by Perlman Architects in a transit-oriented development area

Action taken for items on Consent Agenda

3Take action on the following zoning cases:

Page 1  City of Mesa
January 18, 2017Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Minutes

3-a PZ 17001 Z16-061. District 6.  The 7300 through 7500 blocks of East Ray Road (south side).  Located east of Power Road on the south side of Ray Road. (5.22± acres).  Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of an industrial building.  Eric Zitny, Ware Malcomb, applicant; Phx-Gateway Airport 193, LLC, owner. (PLN2016-00803).
Staff Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Approved: (Vote: 7-0)
3-b PZ 17002 Z16-062.  District 3.  The 2200 block of West Ella Street (north side).   Located west of Dobson Road and north of Main Street.  (2.41 ± acres).  Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential building. Tristam Kesi, Perlman Architects, applicant; Terra AZ, LLC, owner. (PLN2016-00819) 
Staff Planner: Mia Lozano Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Approved (Vote: 6-1)
Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases:
4-a PZ 17003 Z16-056.  District 6. The 11500 block of East Warner Road (south side). Located at the southwest corner of Warner Road and Meridian Road. (8 ± acres) Rezone from LC to RSL-2.5; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow the development of a single residence subdivision. Jeff Giles, Clouse Engineering, applicant; 56th MD, Inc., owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat "Warner Enclave") (Associated with Item 5-a.) (PLN2015-00450).  Continued from December 21, 2016 
Staff Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Continuance to February 15, 2017 (Vote: 7-0)
5Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plats:
Page 2City of Mesa
January 18, 2017Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Minutes
5-a PZ 17004 “Warner Enclave” District 6.  11500 block of East Warner Road. Located at the southwest corner of Warner Rd and Meridian Dr. (8 ±   acres). Preliminary Plat. Rezoning from LC to RSL-4.0; Site Plan Review. This request will allow single residence development. Jeff Giles, Clouse Engineering, applicant; 56th MD, Inc., owner.  (Companion Case to Z16-056) (Associated with Item 4-a.) (PLN2015-00450). Continued from December 21, 2016 
Staff Planner:   Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Continuance to February 15, 2017 (Vote: 7-0)

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