Monday, January 16, 2017

Aggressive Mesa Economic Development Newsletter Now Out Ahead-of-Time for Q1 2017

Even though THE BIG NEWS picked up by trade and industry media - and featured in a post on this blogsite about FTZ 221 - that the City of Mesa Office of Economic Development filed an application for renewal of a Foreign Trade Zone for Apple's planned global command center here, the newly-released newsletter has moved aggressively-forward with its editorial no-holes barred savvy marketing and promotion ...  refreshing Re-Branding.
One of the big topics for Jabjiniak in this issue is the Life Science/Healthcare Industry
Link go >> here

The Quick Jab
by Bill Jabjiniak
Mesa is well positioned to attract and grow medical device companies
The life science/healthcare industry is a large and rapidly growing segment of the world economy that provides substantial public benefit with job growth well above the national average.[i] In Arizona, this is a thriving sector with 14,261 companies employing more than 320,000 Arizonans at an average annual wage of $66,807, and driving more than $21.4 billion in total annual payroll in 2015. In addition, Arizona’s academic R&D investment totaled more than $383 million in
In fact, the number of life science jobs in Arizona has grown 49 percent from 2002 to 2014, compared to a national growth rate of less than 14 percent, according to a report prepared by Battelle Technology Partnership Practice for the Flinn Foundation.[iii] . . .
An Educated Workforce Pipeline
Mesa’s higher educational institutions provide a strong pipeline of qualified graduates from programs in biologic and biomedical sciences, engineering and related technologies, physical sciences, precision production and science technologies, nursing, health sciences, dentistry and oral health, health sciences, and osteopathic medicine.
Low Cost, Business Friendly, Not California
One of Arizona’s most touted competitive advantages is its low cost, business-friendly operating environment. Bioscience and medical device companies especially like doing business in Mesa because of its proximity to the important bio-hubs of San Diego and San Francisco, without the exorbitant operating costs and heavy regulatory and taxing authority that exists in the State of California.
Arizona has low comparative total payroll costs, including some of the lowest workers' compensation and unemployment insurance in the country
With Arizona’s biomedical job growth rate at three time the national average and the region’s strong medical device cluster, Mesa is a natural location for high-end, campus-like office, research and development, and manufacturing space to accommodate this rapid growth.
Falcon Tech Center
Introducing the Falcon Tech Center, which will become the Southwest’s premier location for emerging and established technology companies. The 63-acre, city-owned development adjacent to Falcon Field Airport on Greenfield Rd., will be particularly attractive to California companies that are looking for low-cost alternatives within close proximity.
To learn more about Falcon Tech Center, click here or contact Economic Development Project Manager Lori Gary at
To learn more about Mesa’s medical device sector, visit


Falcon Field Airport terminal renovation wins architectural honors
Gateway Airport hits record traffic count, now allows Lyft and Uber
Mesa accepting proposals for Main Street Prototyping Festival
Innovative project employs arts-based community designMAC photos

Suzanne Keller joins Visit Mesa as new Director of Sports
Visit Mesa, the regional destination marketing organization for the city, announced the hiring of Suzanne Keller to lead the city’s national sports initiatives. In her role as Director of Sports Sales, Keller will be tasked with recruiting top national sporting events, tournaments, and competitions on Mesa fields and in the city’s array of event facilities. In addition, Keller will serve as the city’s primary liaison with National Governing Bodies and oversee a roster of more than 50 signature youth and amateur sports programs held in Mesa year-round.
“It’s well known that Mesa is one of the most in-demand, active sports destinations in the Western U.S., and sports activity is responsible for year-round hotel consumption and citywide group blocks,”
Sports tourism is a fast growing, nearly recession-proof marketplace with Mesa ideally suited to attract new sporting events due to Mesa’s affordability, air access, and preferred weather. Keller’s strong ties and past experience with youth and amateur sports groups and associations will serve Visit Mesa well.

Discover Global Markets: Advanced Manufacturing 2017
Join the U.S. Commercial Service and the Arizona District Export Council for Discover Global Markets: Advanced Manufacturing and transform market potential into international sales. The event will be held Feb. 16-17, 2017 at the DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Paradise Valley, 5401 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250.


One-on-One Meetings with U.S. Commercial Diplomats
Whether for new export opportunities, help in overcoming challenges, or general questions, pre-schedule meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats who specialize in multiple advanced manufacturing sectors. Key markets represented will include:

-Brazil-India -Singapore
-Canada-Japan -Taiwan
-China-Korea (South)-Thailand
-Czech Republic-Malaysia -United Kingdom
*Country list is subject to change.


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