Saturday, December 09, 2017

2 POVs > Re: Daniel Shaver The Jury Decision

Just trying to be fair-and-balanced in this local incident that happened almost two years ago in January 2016. The un-edited Mesa Police body cam videos were withheld from public view until after the trial ended. Daniel Shaver's widow has stated and filed her intention to sue the City of Mesa for excessive use-of-force among other potential charges.
(Image to the left from the published body cam video)
1. Jury wisely acquits Arizona cop in killing of unarmed man
First Opening Paragraph:
"I support the decision by an Arizona jury to acquit former police officer, Philip Brailsford, on charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter . . ."
Last Closing Paragraph:
Ultimately this is an immense tragedy for all involved. And while it is notable that other members of the SWAT team did not fire on Shaver — thus suggesting that Brailsford should have waited to engage -- based on the facts as applied to law, it would have been unjust to convict Brailsford of criminal responsibility here. His acts were reasonable in the context of the circumstances and I believe a conviction would have been overturned by an appeals court.
You can watch the video here (WARNING: obviously the video is graphic)
2. The Police Murder of Daniel Shaver
by David French December 9, 2017 11:52 AM
First Opening Paragraph:  
"If you have the stomach for it, I want you to watch one of the most outrageous and infuriating videos I’ve ever seen. It shows the police shooting of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, Arizona. He was crawling on his hands and knees, crying, and begging police not to shoot him. An officer shot him anyway: . . ."
Last Closing Paragraph:
"Arizona law defines second-degree murder as killing a person without premeditation “under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life, the person recklessly engages in conduct that creates a grave risk of death and thereby causes the death of another person.” In this instance, the charge fit the crime. The jury’s verdict was a gross miscarriage of justice. My heart breaks for Daniel Shaver’s family. May God have mercy on his soul."
Read more at:

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