Tuesday, December 05, 2017

City of Mesa: Open, Transparent & Accountable?

Like probably far too many things here in Mesa, Arizona, the Public Right-To-Know somehow gets by-passed when we are all rightfully concerned over demanding that government is open, transparent and accountable.
City Hall too often falls short-of-the-mark in meeting or honoring those goals. That issue has been addressed numerous times on this blog before and will continue to get into focus on featured posts with a strong resolve.
Secrecy in government, the Supreme Court has stated, is fundamentally anti-democratic.
With that being said, let's take a look at a respected national news organization that took the time to report on local news that hasn't received much local public attention: the case of an officer-involved killing from last January 2016 where testimony just ended in the trial.
Slate reporter Amy Gajda addresses the issue of police body cam footage - just one aspect of the public right-to-know
When Public Records Aren’t Made Public
The troubling trend of judges keeping police body camera footage hidden.

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