Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Strange Pair: AZ State Senator Bob Worsley + Senator Sean Bowie on Mesa Morning Live

It's been years since Bob Worsley showed up on Mesa Channel 11 ....if you've wondered why he's showing up now he's got some sky-high plans for some kind of "Autonomous Zone" here in Mesa . . .he brings along a Democrat who happens to have studied at Carnegie Mellon. 
But hey! There's more going than that . . . Worsley who lives up in The Groves in northeast Mesa, was "cornered" by a certain group of people here in Mesa to run for office to improve the image of Mesa, or so he said that's what his mission or "higher calling" in public is.
At the same time he's been forming at least one corporation named MACDevLLC to lure investors in his ambitions as a real estate developer in downtown Mesa .... Do the two mix somehow?
Published on Dec 13, 2017
Views: 3 
Looks like there might be a "Beehive" of buzz

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