Tuesday, December 05, 2017

A Work-In-Progress? . . . bbbbut Nobody's Seen It Yet

Yesterday's report on KJZZ, owned by Sinclair Broadcasting in Salt Lake City, took your MesaZona blogger by surprise - a very pleasant surprise if ever there is one here in the most conservative city in America.
What's it all about? Non-Discrimination
Mesa Mayor Asking Valley Mayors To Support Nondiscrimination Law
By  Will Stone   
Published: Monday, December 4, 2017 - 5:00 am
Updated: Monday, December 4, 2017 - 8:53 am
That's been a hot topic that John Giles has wanted to avoid in public elected life by keeping it on the back burner for a very long time, dodging on taking a stronger leadership stand for supporting the approval by the Mesa City Council of a local Non-Discrimination Ordinance for what he self-admits that "It's the right thing to do" running for mayor in 2014. 
Simply put Non-Discrimination is a challenge for John Giles.
He's on public record, as you can see in the image to the right . . .
Has John Giles gotten transformed and  "Bloombergized"???
To be forthwith and honest - and getting down to the nitty-gritty - maybe sending John Giles to school and higher learning to educate mayors at the Kennedy Bloomberg School of Government @ Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts has produced local results.
Furthermore, you can't pledge to do things on the agenda for Bloomberg's Mayor's Challenge in the national spotlight in Washington D.C. and not do anything back home.
Let's be honest.. . . but what does Giles do?
Yesterday's KJZZ report tells us - a letter.
That no one has seen. Giles told reporter Will Stone the letter is a work in progress, so he doesn’t want to reveal the exact language or which mayors support it yet.
Phoenix and Tempe have local nondiscrimination ordinances, but many cities still do not, including Mesa.
What's the problem?
That's a question any reasonable person might ask.
Perhaps it's in the dynamic interplay of politics here in Mesa where Mormons have exercised a minority-majority control over government for generations.
That's a fact-of-life here few people want to face head-on.
The problem = religion in politics.
People, whatever their own personal religious practices, when aelected to public office entering City Hall have a calling and obligation to serve the public interests.
The question now arises will John Giles have the leadership skills to tackle the issue of Non-Discrimination here on his own home-turf?
From this account yesterday, it appears that while Giles might have fumbled-the-ball to get hands-free on this hot issue, he's recovered somewhat by now attempting to punt it to the brotherhood of Arizona State lawmakers for the 2018 election season ahead and 'kicking-the-can-down-the-road - out of the political ballpark here in his hometown where he could offend the LDS constituents and the Mormon Political Machine who got him into office.  
Reporter Will Stone writes this: "The Republican mayor for Arizona’s third-largest city wants state lawmakers to pass a nondiscrimination law.
Mesa Mayor John Giles said he’s trying to get Valley mayors to sign onto a letter in support ahead of the 2018 legislative session. . .
Blogger Note: While there's carefully-worded public opposition from David Farnsworth, other State lawmakers weren't ask to weigh-in, except for a declaration from fellow Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey clearly and strongly stating via an official spokesperson that " . . . Gov. Doug Ducey said he won’t comment on any proposed legislation before seeing the language, but that Ducey is against discrimination of any form. . . "
READ MORE > https://kjzz.org

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