Footage of a Police Killing Emerges. The Mesa AZ jury deliberated for six hours before the not-guilty verdict
Newly released body camera footage shows a Mesa, Ariz., police officer, Philip Brailsford, shooting Daniel Shaver, an unarmed man, in a hotel in 2016. Mr. Shaver sobbed and pleaded with the officer not to shoot him.
By MARICOPA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT on Publish Date December 9, 2017. Photo by Mesa Police Department.
“This, to me, is the most horrific shooting I’ve ever seen,” Mark Geragos, a lawyer for the widow and the 5- and 8-year-old daughters of the man, Daniel Shaver, 26, said in an interview on Saturday. Mr. Geragos, who said he had seen thousands of body camera videos, said the footage was evidence of “the criminal justice system at its worst.”
Read more > https://www.nytimes.com
By Benjamin Hart 08 Dec 2017

A horrific video released on Thursday shows an Arizona cop killing an unarmed man who begged for his life in a hotel hallway in 2016. (Warning: the clip below is extremely disturbing.)
". . . After watching the video, it’s difficult to see how Brailsford escaped sentence. Even in an era when many Americans have become accustomed to viewing disturbing killings at the hand of police officers, this one stands out. . .
If there’s any lesson to be gleaned from the tragedy, it’s one that was already known: Convicting police officers of crimes against civilians remains perilously difficult.
From Jason Stockley to Ray Tensing to Brailsford, juries and judges are extremely hesitant to punish officers for what they tend to see as justifiable behavior in the line of duty. Michael Slager, the South Carolina cop who shot and killed Walter Scott in the back as he was running away, was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday. But he’s the exception that proves the rule.
Meanwhile, police continue to shoot and kill American civilians by the thousands each year. As The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf notes, “[T]he total number of police killings in England since 1990 is about the same as the number of people killed by Arizona police last year alone.”
America Has a Sociopathic Police Problem [Opinion]
The following article is entirely the opinion of Rob Cotton and does not reflect the views of the Inquisitr.
The recent acquittal of Mesa, Arizona, police officer Philip Brailsford in the 2016 shooting death of Daniel Shaver has once again sparked debate over the culture of policing in the United States. While the “blue lives matter” cult and other bootlickers have been predictably quick to trot out their usual litany of tired excuses for what is clearly an incident of a trigger-happy cop abusing his power in the taking of the life of one of our fellow citizens, people not inclined to tongue-kiss the boots of a violent police state have been expressing justifiable outrage over the clear miscarriage of justice that has let yet another sociopathic cop get away with murder. . .
That the jury acquitted Brailsford should come as no surprise to anyone aware of how cops are given preferential treatment under our justice system that allows them to engage in repeated abuse of citizens, murder with impunity, and to perpetuate a culture of harassment, corruption and violence.
Read more > https://www.inquisitr.com
That the jury acquitted Brailsford should come as no surprise to anyone aware of how cops are given preferential treatment under our justice system that allows them to engage in repeated abuse of citizens, murder with impunity, and to perpetuate a culture of harassment, corruption and violence.
Read more > https://www.inquisitr.com
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