Thursday, December 21, 2017

Time To Celebrate End of The Calendar Year: Just Say "Shred It"

Two ways to get a perspective on this:
Is it document destruction or is it re-cycling?
That's the dumb question your MesaZona blogger found himself asking his bad self walking around downtown Mesa this morning.
The City of Mesa has been spending million$ on hardware and software for the IT Department, going "paperless" for years, but ya gotta wonder . . some folks will, some won't.
It wasn't an unfamiliar site to see parked behind City Hall another on-site document shredder truck, like this one this morning in the shadows behind the 8-story building that houses the offices and workplaces of our elected and employed civil servants inside city government.
To be honest it is not unusual to see trucks like this strategically stationed around city-owned places-of-work all year long in different locations hauling huge loads of paper documents into the heap bins on the backs and sides of the four-wheeled shredder service trucks. 
But what to my wondering eyes should appear, but another truck on Pepper Place engaged in the same curbside on-site operations on the south side of Pepper Place right outside the doors of the headquarters for  Passey Investment Bonds.

The advertising on the side has the message
Lots left unsaid . . . but what you see is what you get


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