Monday, October 26, 2020

AZ State Rep Debbie Lesko Left A Trail of Dirt In Her Not-So-Distant 'Past Life' Before She Cleaned-Up Her Act

Multiple aliases, debts, criminal charges, an arrest warrant and bankruptcies - she blames it all on an abusive relationship in her first marriage to a guy she's now calling a con-man. That at least is her own chosen-narrative foisted for public consumption in a tight battle to overcome her checkered past in a close re-election contest for Congress with her Democratic challenger Michael Muscato.  Details of the story, following a local debate, are emerging from this report just before the weekend: 

Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., speaks to Trump supporters before Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a rally at TYR Tactical in Peoria, Ariz. on Oct. 8, 2020. (Photo: Thomas Hawthorne/The Republic

Rep. Debbie Lesko's past includes debt, criminal charge she links to 'con-man' ex-husband


From school politics to Legislature to Congress

She began an improbable political career climb that led to Congress. 

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