Saturday, October 31, 2020

Trump's Limp-Wristed and Loose-Tongued Hate-Monger: Stephen Miller

Stephen has been swishing-away for way too long. He's about an undercover 'closet queen' as Trump's former side-kick Ray Cohn - and just as vicious if not more. That's only the conditional "if" - if there's a second term in-office for Trump. Silly Stephen has been on a rambling rage the past few days raging on and on as if he can tell his days in-the-glow could peter-out real quick.


Yes, we have been warned - one time in Vanity Fair, another time in a book by Jean Guerrero, another report in The Guardian, and a 30-minute phone-call to NBC yesterday. . .


"Miller’s continued presence in the White House has led some to raise broader questions about what it means for the United States.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger’s editorial board wrote an opinion piece calling for Miller’s resignation last week, conceding that Trump “is sure to disregard this advice” and adding: “When his presidency finally comes to an end, and its political cult is deprogrammed, let’s hope that basic standards of decency are revived in North America.”

In a segment called Fire Stephen Miller Right F**king Now, late-night television host Samantha Bee, was just as blunt: “If we can’t all agree that a white supremacist has no business in the White House, then we should probably just turn out the lights on this grand American experiment.”

If You Thought Stephen Miller Couldn’t Get More Monstrous, Just Wait for Another Trump Term

The architect of the Trump Administration’s worst immigration policies—the travel ban, the wall, child separation—has big, “shock and awe” plans for the next four years. 

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