Tuesday, October 27, 2020

TENTATIVE AGENDA: Mesa City Council Regular (REMOTE ZOOM VIRTUAL PLATFORM) Meeting Mon 11.02.2020

. . and what a Tentative Agenda it is!
Printed on. 10/22/2020 there's plenty of time to take an extended look at it now, with some unfilled gaps in any other information or meeting details for two Study Sessions ahead of the Regular Meeting next Monday.
Contracts - there are four in Item 4 on the Consent Agenda
Resolutions - there are five in Item 5 on the Consent Agenda
Ordinances - there's only one in Item 6 on the Consent Agenda
Subdivision Plats - there are five in Item 7 on the Consent Agenda
> Mountain Vista Marketplace
> Desert Place @ Morrison Ranch
> Mesa Technology Park
> Lehr Cove
> Zen on Baseline
ITEM 8 The last item before Adjournment is this :
ITEM 8 Items not on the Consent Agenda
Items from citizens present.
(Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).



4 Take action on the following contracts:

20-1059 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Custodial Services for Parks and Sports Field Facilities for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)
This contract provides City of Mesa parks and sports field patrons safe, clean and sanitary restroom facilities that are free from trash and debris, and are sufficiently stocked with soap and paper goods at the City’s 32 parks and sports field facilities.  Due to COVID-19, Carnation Building Services needed to increase their starting pay scale, in order to retain employees in this environment.  An assessment will be made on whether to move forward with year 3 of the contract or to cancel and rebid.
The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Carnation Building Service, Inc., by $85,403.14 for Year 2, from $262,283.60 to $347,686.74 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index

20-1060 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Fasteners, Hardware, and Electrical Supplies for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide)
This contract will provide fasteners, related hardware, and electrical supplies commonly used for automotive and general repairs, including shelving, bins, and stocking service.
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposal from Sid Tool Co., Inc. dba, MSC Industrial Supply Co., at $80,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index

20-1063 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Police Uniform Badges (Citywide)
This contract will furnish and deliver custom uniform badges on an as-needed basis.  Purchases may also include shirt badges, flat badges mounted in black leather wallets and cap pieces.
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposal from Sun Badge Company, at $30,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index

20-1061 One-Year Term Contract with Month-to-Month Renewal Options for Leasing of Hotel Rooms as requested by the City Manager’s Office (Sole Source) (Citywide)
This contract will provide leasing of up to 50 hotel rooms through 2021 for the City’s "Operation Off the Streets" program, which provides emergency/immediate shelter to people in the health-vulnerable homeless community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City Manager’s Office and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract, at $750,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.  This contract is funded by Emergency Solutions Grant - Coronavirus Federal Funding



5 Take action on the following resolutions:

20-1077 Extinguishing a public utilities and facilities easement and vacating a right-of-way located at 4901 South Ellsworth Road to facilitate a new multi-family development; requested by the property owner. (District 6) *5-a

20-1050 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Project Agreement between the Maricopa Association of Governments and the City of Mesa for reimbursement under the Arterial Life Cycle Program for the Ray Road: SR24 to Ellsworth Road Arterial improvement project. (District 6) *5-b

20-1049 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a SubGrant Award Agreement with the Arizona Department of Public Safety, to accept $1,437,653 in grant funds from the Victims of Crime Act, Victim Assistance Grant Program from October 2020 to September 2023.  Funds will be used for personnel costs at the Police Department’s Mesa Family Advocacy Center. (Citywide) *5-c

20-1030 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to accept $206,000 in grant funds for equipment and training to support and sustain the Police Department’s Rapid Response Task Force. (Citywide) *5-d

20-1031 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to accept $112,500 in grant funds to purchase unmanned aircraft detection equipment for the Police Department. (Citywide) *5-e

20-1032 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to accept $145,000 in grant funds for equipment for the Police Department’s Hazardous Device Team. (Citywide)

20-1033 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to accept $103,310 in grant funds to purchase equipment for the Police Department’s Special Operations Division. (Citywide)

20-1034 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to accept $62,000 in grant funds to purchase a vehicle for the Police Department’s Special Operations Division. (Citywide) *5-h



6 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinance:

*6-a 20-0990 ZON19-00709 (District 6) 

Within the 8500 to 8700 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side).  Located west of Ellsworth Road on the south side of Pecos Road (11.7± acres).  Rezone from AG to LI-PAD and OC-PAD; and Site Plan Review.

This request will allow for an industrial development. 

Katie Rounds, The Kaidence Group, applicant; Pecos 10 LLC, owner. 
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)


7 Take action on the following subdivision plats:

20-1056 “Mountain Vista Marketplace” (District 6)  Within the 1400 to 1600 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side); within the 10500 to 10800 blocks of East Southern Avenue (south side); within the 10500 to 10800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (north side); and within the 10300 to 10800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side).  Located west of Signal Butte Road and south of Southern Avenue (79.5± acres). 

Bela Flor Communities, LLC, developer; David Klein, Robert Johnston, EPS Group, surveyor. *7-a

20-1057 “Desert Place at Morrison Ranch - Phase 4” (District 6)  Within the 7000 to 7600 blocks of East Guadalupe Road (south side) and within the 2800 through 3100 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side).  Located south of Guadalupe Road and west of Sossaman Road.  Preliminary Plat (6.9± acres).  PLHAZ Holdings, developer; Robert Johnston, EPS Group, surveyor. *7-b

20-1062 “Mesa Technology Park” (District 6)  Within the 3200 to 3400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side) and within the 8900 to 9200 blocks of East Peterson Avenue (north side).  Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Ellsworth Road (65± acres). 

Mesa Elliot Technology Park | Jean Wawrzyniak-Fry

Sunbelt Land Holdings, LP, developer; James A. Brucci, Hunter Engineering, surveyor.

20-1054 “Lehi Cove” (District 1)  Within the 3100 to 3300 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side).  Located west of Val Vista Drive on the north side of Lehi Road (7.9± acres). 

Skybridge Companies, LLC, developer; Anthony Zaugg, Allen Consulting Engineers Inc., surveyor.

20-1035 “Zen on Baseline” (District 2)  Within the 6000 to 6200 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road (7.8± acres).  Pacific Rim Group, developer; David J. Buchli, Buchli Engineers Inc., surveyor. *7-e

ITEM 8 Items not on the Consent Agenda
8 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).


RELATED CONTENT "Mesa Technology Park"

Mesa Elliot Technology Park is a 203-acre project located in Southeast Mesa, AZ. that will consist of over 2778000 sf of mixed-used business space. . .
Mesa Elliot is a 8,842,680 sf (203 acres) parcel of vacant land. The property is zoned for Planned Employment Park (PEP) and Light Industrial (LI) uses. The Mesa Elliot Technology Park is a Class “A” master planned mixed-use business park. The 203-acre project will consist of over 2,778,000 sf available for build to suit, ground leases, or land sales. This site is conveniently centered in the heart of the Southeast Valley, just .5 miles east of the Loop 202 on Elliot Road. The site is also adjacent to major SRP transmission lines and is less than .5 miles from a SRP Electric Substation.
Demographics 1 Mi. 3 Mi. 5 Mi.
Daytime Population3,75929,82981,197
Ave HH Income ($)83,33393,17483,840
Med HH Income ($)69,45774,62166,465
Median Age38.2039.0038.80
% College Educated30.0131.6930.57

Developer adds land to big planned Mesa technology park: BREW

Sunbelt Holdings is buying land for a big development in Mesa.

By Mike Sunnucks | Phoenix Business Journal

Sunbelt Investment Holdings has bought another 67.5 acres for the planned Mesa Elliot Technology Park in the East Valley, according to a sales report by Business & Real Estate Weekly of Arizona.

BREW reports that San Diego-based Sunbelt now has 270 acres at the planned tech park development near the Loop 202 and Elliot and Ellsworth roads.

Sunbelt paid approximately $11.9 million for the 67.5 acres and the seller was El Dorado Holdings, according to the BREW sales report.



Aerial Map



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