Friday, October 30, 2020

REMOTE ZOOM Mesa City Council Study Session - 10/22/2020

Here's the Presentation for Meeting Details:

Kim Fallbeck Real Estate Administrator


• Remain zoned Single Residence-43 (RS-43) and develop with one (1) acre lots

• The City will retain land at the northeast corner of the property for a future well site

• Water line extension required • Septic systems will be allowed for the 10 ±homes

• Provide street access to site
• Flood Control District Clearance required
• Successful bidder to work with City on existing cityowned monitoring wells
• Comply with all City development codes, regulations, guidelines, standards etc

File #: 20-1055   
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 10/22/2020
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the process for the sale or transfer of 13 +/- acres of undeveloped City-owned land located along the north side of the alignment of Thomas Road just west of Loop 202.
Attachments: 1. Presentation

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