Saturday, October 24, 2020

REMOTE ZOOM PUBLIC HEARING/Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Wed 10.28.2020

The Final Agenda was printed on 10/22/2020


To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public viewing and participation are available electronically. 
Members of the Planning and Zoning Board will appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. 
Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Planning and Zoning Meetings.

However, the live meeting may be watched on local cable Mesa channel 11, online at or, or or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts. 
Public participation will be available electronically.  If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. 

If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-7880099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting.  You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.
Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Board agenda and who want to be able to comment on their item or be able to answer questions should fill out this Applicant online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and call 888-788-0099 or 877853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting.  You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.
For help with the online comment card, or for any other technical difficulties, please call 480-6442099


Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
City of Mesa
Meeting Agenda - Final
Council Chambers 57 E. First Street
Chair Dane Astle Vice Chair Jessica Sarkissian Boardmember Tim Boyle Boardmember Shelly Allen Boardmember Jeffrey Crockett Boardmember Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo Boardmember Benjamin Ayers
4:00 PMVirtual PlatformWednesday, October 28, 2020
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 

Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed.

 Call the meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings.

PZ 20129 Minutes from the October 14, 2020 study session and regular hearing.*2-a

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October 28, 2020Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

3 Take action on the following zoning cases:

PZ 20130 ZON20-00473 District 6. Within the 6400 to 6600 blocks of East Southern Avenue (south side). Located west of Power Road on the south side of Southern Avenue. (1.5 acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a retail and medical building.  Marwan Tamimi, Tamimi Architects, applicant; Kadeeja, LLC, owner.
Planner:  Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
PZ 20131 ZON20-00486 District 6. Within the 4200 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side). Located north of Point Twenty-Two Boulevard on the west side of Signal Butte Road. (1.07± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a retail store. Trish Flower, RA with Vertical Design Studios, applicant; Evergreen-Point 22 & Signal Butte LLC, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
PZ 20132 ZON20-00503   District 1. Within the 1900 block of East McKellips Road (north side). Located west of Gilbert Road on the north side of McKellips Road. (0.95± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. Rod Jarvis, Earl & Curley, P.C., applicant; Ron B Wynn Living Trust/ETAL, owner.
Planner:  Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
PZ 20133 ZON20-00576  District 3. Within the 1300 block of South Gilbert Road (east side). Located south of Southern Avenue on the east side of Gilbert Road. (1.23± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. Edin Coralic, Coralic Architecture, applicant; Global New Millennium Partners Ltd, owner.
Planner:  Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
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October 28, 2020Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning case:

PZ 20134 ZON20-00398 District 1. Within the 3400 block of East University Drive (north side). Located west of Val Vista Drive on the north side of University Drive. (2.3 acres). Rezone from RM-3 to RM-3-BIZ; and Site Plan Review.

This request will allow the development of a multiple residence on the site.

Tim Boyle, Tim Boyle Design, applicant; AM Properties & Investments, LLC, owner.
Planner:  Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

5 Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plat:

PZ 20135 “Bella Encanta” (ZON18-00067)  District 6. Within the 9500 through 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road.

(33± acres).  Preliminary Plat.

Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Crismon BFC, LLC, owner.
Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

Items not on the Consent Agenda
6 Review, discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the following proposed amendments to the Mesa Zoning Ordinance:

PZ 20136 Proposed Amendments to Chapters 67, 76, and 87 of Title 11, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mesa City Code, relating to site plan reviews, approved plans and amendments to zoning maps. The amendments include, but are not limited to, adding public notice for administrative site plan reviews, clarifying major and minor modifications to approved plans, and adding definitions. (Citywide) 
Planner:  Rachel Prelog Staff Recommendation:  Adoption

PZ 20139 Repeal and replace in its entirety, Chapter 69: Site Plan Review of Title 11, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mesa City Code. (Citywide) 
Planner:  Rachel Prelog Staff Recommendation:  Adoption
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October 28, 2020Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final
PZ 20137 Proposed amendments to Chapters 2, 5, 6, 8, 31 and 86 of Title 11, the Zoning Ordinance of the Mesa City Code to assisted living and nursing and convalescent homes.  The amendments include, but are not limited to, amending land use requirements and development standards, adding measuring distance from an intersection, modifying the definition of assisted living facility and adding definitions including assisted living home and assisted living center. (Citywide) 
Planner:  Rachel Prelog Staff Recommendation:  Adoption
PZ 20138 Amendments to Chapters 2, 5, 6, 7, 31, 33, 50, and 86 of Title 11, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mesa City Code. Amendments include but are not limited to modifying residential, commercial and employment land use tables, modifying residential and commercial development standards, modifying residential uses in commercial districts requirements, adding portable storage container and boat and RV storage provisions, adding and modifying definitions, removing provisions that no longer apply such as vehicular access to side yards, minor clarification to existing provisions, and minor revisions to wording and formatting. (Citywide)
Planner:  Rachel Prelog Staff Recommendation:  Adoption
7 Adjournment.

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