Thursday, October 29, 2020

The State of Arizona & The Politics of Empathy > Doug and The Donald Don't Feel The Pain

They will when the Day of Reckoning arrives next week.  Traumatized voters in Maricopa County are mobilizing their grievances in an organized groundswell to upset and change the long-standing conservative Republican status quo. That's the story published today from a source across the Atlantic Ocean:

Phoenix rising

‘Turning pain into purpose’: why the Covid crisis is driving Arizonans to the polls

As election day looms, a traumatized electorate is weighing the failures of Republican leaders to control the pandemic in Arizona, and across the US

and in Phoenix


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Arizona Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial housing bill

Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial AZ housing bill ...