10 May 2021

O NO! Triple-Digit HEAT + Another HIGH POLLUTION Advisory issued for ozone effective May 11, 2021 in the Phoenix area

High Pollution Advisory HPA Maricopa County Phoenix

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is issuing a High Pollution Advisory (HPA) for ozone effective May 11, 2021, in the Phoenix area. ADEQ recommends that people limit outdoor activity while the HPA is in effect, especially children and adults with respiratory problems.

Ground level ozone forms when two types of pollutants—volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)—react in sunlight. These pollutants come primarily from automobiles, but also from other sources including industries, power plants, and products, such as solvents and paints. Generally, the highest levels of ozone occur in the afternoon.

Check the Hourly Air Quality Forecast on the Air Arizona Mobile App

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Health Impacts

People most vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution include children, older adults, adults exercising outdoors, people with heart or lung disease and those suffering from asthma and bronchitis. Exposure can increase the number and severity of asthma attacks, cause or aggravate bronchitis or other lung disease and reduce the body’s ability to fight infection. Symptoms may include itchy eyes, nose, and throat, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain and upper respiratory issues.

Please help reduce ozone by doing one or more of the following:

  • Drive as little as possible
  • Re-fuel your vehicle in the evening
  • Avoid waiting in long drive-thru lines, if possible
  • Use low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers – delay big painting projects
  • Make sure containers of household cleaners, garage and yard chemicals and other solvents are sealed properly to prevent vapors from evaporating into the air

Be Air Aware!

Stay informed and be a part of the ADEQ air quality challenge. Together we can make a difference to improve air quality for everyone in Arizona by following three simple steps. | Learn More >


High Pollution Advisory (HPA) | Notifies the public that the level of an air pollutant is forecast to exceed the federal health standard.

High Pollution Watch (HPW) |Notifies the public when there is potential for a pollutant to exceed the federal health standard

Particulate Matter Fact Sheet | View >

Ozone Fact Sheet | View >


ADEQ Hourly Air Quality Forecast | View >

Text or Email Alerts | Subscribe > 

Air Arizona Mobile App | Learn More >

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Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) | Provides hourly forecasts for air quality in certain areas of the state and issues HPAs or HPWs when the appropriate conditions exist.

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Public Information Officer | 602-540-8072 | Email >

Maricopa County Air Quality Department (MCAQD) | Regulatory agency for air quality in Maricopa County.

View Website >

Public Information Officer | 602-506-6713 (office) | 602-526-7307 (cell) | Email >

Valley Metro | Eco-friendly public transit options to residents of greater Phoenix and Maricopa County.

View Website >

Communications Manager | 602-523-6004 (office) | Email >

About ADEQ

Under the Environmental Quality Act of 1986, the Arizona State Legislature established the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality in 1987 as the state agency for protecting and enhancing public health and the environment of Arizona. For more information, visit azdeq.gov.

ADEQ will take reasonable measures to provide access to department services to individuals with limited ability to speak, write or understand English and/or to those with disabilities. Requests for language interpretation, ASL interpretation, CART captioning services or disability accommodations must be made at least 48 hours in advance by contacting Ian Bingham, Title VI Nondiscrimination Coordinator at 602-771-4322 or Bingham.Ian@azdeq.gov. Teleprinter services are available by calling 7-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance to make necessary arrangements.

ADEQ tomará las medidas razonables para proveer acceso a los servicios del departamento a personas con capacidad limitada para hablar, escribir o entender inglés y / o para personas con discapacidades. Las solicitudes de servicios de interpretación de idiomas, interpretación ASL, subtitulados de CART, o adaptaciones por discapacidad deben realizarse con al menos 48 horas de anticipación contactando a Ian Bingham, Coordinador de Anti-Discriminación del Título VI al 
602-771-4322 o Bingham.Ian@azdeq.gov. Los servicios de teleimpresores están disponibles llamando al 7-1-1 con al menos 48 horas de anticipación para hacer los arreglos necesarios.

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