08 April 2022

A RARE PUBLIC STATEMENT: Prepared for a mostly closed-door House Armed Services subcommittee hearing

From  National Reconnaissance Office to see in real time the Russian military buildup prior to its invasion - The two newer satellite systems were mentioned 2 days ago in an article from Bloomberg.

U.S. Satellites Spying on Russia’s War Tap Commercial Technology

National Reconnaissance Office Director Christopher Scolese


"U.S. surveillance of Russia’s Ukraine invasion has been buttressed by two newer satellite systems built with commercial parts and on-board imagery processes, the head of the intelligence agency that manages the programs said in a rare public statement. 

Alongside orbiting spy satellites, the new systems built using commercial technology have “enabled NATO and the entire world to see in real time the Russian military buildup prior to its invasion,” National Reconnaissance Office Director Christopher Scolese said in prepared testimony Wednesday for a mostly closed-door House Armed Services subcommittee hearing.

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