02 August 2017

Re/Imaging The Workforce Future Present: "New Collar Jobs

Mebbe you MesaZona blogger might be susceptible from time-to-time to radical thinking, but why have jobs/sources of employment oftentimes been using the word collar  to describe the delineating of types of workers in the past: Blue Collar or White Collar?
Buttoned-up, buttoned-down? No-collar open-neck shirts? Why use the word "collar" at all?
Who's to say?
Like most out-of-date concepts, this one appears to stick to describe the workforce employment opportunities-of-the-future as New Collar Jobs.
Who said they came up with this idea a few months ago?
"If we would change the basis and align what is taught in school with what is needed with business ... that's where I came up with this idea of 'new collar.' Not blue collar or white collar," she said.
IBM CEO: Jobs of the future won't be blue or white collar, they'll be 'new collar'

The rise of the “new-collar job” and what it means for the workplace
Source > https://www.gnapartners.com/blog/new-collar-job/
"Although pop culture may make it seem otherwise, not everyone goes to college right after high school. In fact, only about 34 percent of the U.S. adult population has a bachelor’s degree or higher, and the number of graduating high school seniors going to college in recent years has been declining as well.
This spells trouble when compared with projections on future workforce needs, which estimate that 35 percent of jobs created in the next three years will require at least a bachelor’s degree, and findings from employer surveys, which indicate that nearly a third of employers have increased their educational requirements for positions that used to require only a high school diploma.
This gap between expected job growth and the rising cost of a four-year college degree (plus the crushing loan debt many recent grads are facing) has contributed to concerns about the shrinking opportunities for middle-class Americans to get high-paying, traditionally white-collar jobs at the same time as the blue-collar job market continues to lag behind in terms of job creation.
But it’s not all bad news: This chasm has also resulted in the creation of an entirely new category in the American labor market: the “new-collar job.”
New-collar jobs (also called middle-skill or no-collar jobs) are those that prioritize worker skills over education, particularly in industries like technology and health care.
The term “new-collar” became widely popularized in an op-ed piece by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty in USA Today. In the piece, Rometty extolls the value these kinds of workers can offer:
“But even as many seek to revitalize traditional industries, lasting job creation will require an understanding of important new dynamics in the global labor market. This is not about white collar vs. blue collar jobs, but about the “new collar” jobs that employers in many industries demand, but which remain largely unfilled.
…[The] nature of work is evolving – and that is also why so many of these jobs remain hard to fill. As industries from manufacturing to agriculture are reshaped by data science and cloud computing, jobs are being created that demand new skills – which in turn requires new approaches to education, training and recruiting.
And the surprising thing is that not all these positions require advanced education. Certainly, some do… [but] in many other cases, new collar jobs may not require a traditional college degree…What matters most is that these employees – with jobs such as cloud computing technicians and services delivery specialists – have relevant skills, often obtained through vocational training.” 

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