Tuesday, January 29, 2019

2 Minutes + 33 Seconds to Get-To-Know Jennifer Duff?

This short streaming video upload to YouTube today from the Mesa City Council hardly tells anyone anything more than what we have already heard before - nothing.
Your MesaZona posts this in good faith that is critical for sure and might be just an opinion that readers can choose to ignore. However, the new member on the Mesa City Council has a job and responsibilities to District 4 residents.  

Our new representative really needs to do more than start off sitting on-her-duff [pardon the pun] as 'a talking-head' at a desk inside City Hall. . . .
Does she even say that now that you've met me [in about two minutes on YouTube],
"I want to get to meet-and-know you - let's talk and work together and identify our shared interests and concerns and get you more involved in our city government?"
That's something that's been a missing connection here in Mesa for far too long.
Where to start: contact [it works more than one way]