Friday, January 18, 2019

The Debate: Fitness To Serve For The Highest Office In The Land

After more than 725 days in-office, the current occupant of The White House creates the case to evaluate 'The P.T. Barnum of American Politics". . . It's getting more real and you can watch or read:
It's Time to Impeach Trump
Published on Jan 17, 2019
Views: 174,000+
Impeachment is a powerful tool. The time to wield it is now, argues the Atlantic senior editor Yoni Appelbaum. In the latest Atlantic Argument, Appelbaum invokes Andrew Johnson’s impeachment in 1868 to make the case for democratically removing President Donald Trump from office. Appelbaum underscores that this measure is not meant to resolve a policy dispute; rather, it is an attempt to rectify the problem of Trump’s inability to discharge the basic duties of his office.
“The president is unfit for the office he holds,” Appelbaum says in the video. “Congress needs to act now and open an impeachment inquiry.”
For more, read Appelbaum's Atlantic article, "The Case for Impeachment": 
The Atlantic: "The Case for Impeachment"

Courtesy The Atlantic
"Starting the process will rein in a president who is undermining American ideals — and bring the debate about his fitness for office into Congress, where it belongs," senior editor Yoni Appelbaum writes in the March cover story of The Atlantic: