Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Equal Rights: The Brush & Nib Studio Case vs The City of Phoenix

Just had to weigh-in on this. It's indeed strange that challenges to constitutionally-protected Equal Rights involve cake-makers and calligraphers! Don't even mention that an Equal Rights Amendment for Women to the U.S. Constitution passed years ago with the Arizona State House hedging and stalling to ratify it as the 36th State to make ERA the law of the land. It's all about discrimination in public accommodations. . .
Here in Mesa, Mayor John Giles has been waiting for the State of Arizona to decide while the city's Anti-Discrimination Ordinance waits for the leadership to get it approved. Corporations located here in Mesa have clearly expressed their feelings over discrimination in the workplace where the city does not even have an ordinance for protected classes that are employed here.
Image result for brush and nib case or is it all about artistic freedom and religious freedom?
Story image for brush and nib case from AZFamily
AZFamily-13 hours ago
... over Phoenix's discrimination ordinance in Brush and Nib Studio case .... Their case is based on speculation and hypotheticals, so it makes it ...
State high court to hear gay discrimination case
Eastern Arizona Courier-Jan 21, 2019
Phoenix LGBT wedding invitation case back in court
Local hours ago
Brush & Nib Studio v. City of Phoenix - Alliance Defending Freedom
While the case proceeds for Joanna, Breanna, and Brush & Nib, they continue to create art reflecting God's beauty. And they hope to soon have the freedom to ...

Web results

Lawyers square off over Phoenix's discrimination ordinance in Brush ...

14 hours ago - ... over Phoenix's discrimination ordinance in Brush and Nib Studio case .... Their case is based on speculation and hypotheticals, so it makes it ...

Web results

Artistic freedom at heart of case Arizona Supreme Court will hear Tuesday ... WHO: Brush & Nib Studio owners Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, ADF Senior ...
Jun 7, 2018 - Breanna Koski and Joanna Duka of Brush & Nib Studio ... This case is the first of its kind in Arizona, according to documents from the Court of ...
10 hours ago - Phoenix LGBT wedding invitation case back in court ... Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, sued Phoenix in 2016, ...
Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Arizona Court of Appeals supporting the City of Phoenix in its defense against a challenge to its ...
Oct 27, 2017 - Phoenix calligraphy company Brush & Nib Studio sued the city over its anti-discrimination policy. It didn't go great.