Thursday, January 17, 2019

Just One BIG THING for Reporters

. . . and just the beginning and the end of an article on Mike Allen's
Go read it to fill in the blanks and details!
1 big thing: Trump’s virtual reality
Illustration of President Trump wearing a virtual reality headset.
Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios
One of the hardest things about reporting on President Trump is his tendency to propose wild ideas out loud and then repeat them before coming to his senses or getting talked off the ledge, Axios' Jonathan Swan and Jim VandeHei point out. . .
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Be smart: Trump blurts out most ideas that roll through his mind. The most frustrating part for top officials is they must quickly move the machinery of government to conform to — or more often to terminate — the suggestions.
  • P.S. ... Trump has suggested the shutdown could drag on as long as a year. It sounds unthinkable and absurd. But so did the travel ban.