Sunday, January 27, 2019

Want To Try to Influence Public Opinion? OK. Go-Get EVT Staff Writer Jim Walsh Write The Story

Like they say "He's just doing his job" Manipulating news.
It's not online yet, but it was the pulp fiction-Front Page Story in the hard copy The Sunday East Valley Tribune:
Mesa Drive overhaul a mixed blessing for many
"City officials are about to begin the second phase of the transformation of Mesa Drive - a $28-million project. . .
O Lordy it is a [mixed]  blessing for some . . .But
There are 2 "Buts" and mebbe a Butt-Head in the story
But #1:"But the city's eminent domain actions to acquire mostly strips of land - along with the impending 18-month construction period* - have been irritating business owners before the first piece of pavement gets replaced"
and Walsh added, "It is irritating property owners who are going through eminent domain for road widening and will create no end of irritation for 18 months . . .  
Yes, using eminent domain tactics is a very touchy subject here in downtown Mesa for sure.
But #2: "But the project will come at a cost beyond the funds approved by voters in a bond issue years ago.
For your hyper-local MesaZona blogger THIS IS A BLESSING-IN-DISGUISE - Making it way-to-easy to show readers exactly how Mainstream Media Manipulates news to influence public opinion . . . with an added twist speculated by writer Jim Walsh: "Eventually, the project will complete a major unpgrade that started in 2012 . . . " at a cost beyond the funds approved by voters in a bond issue years ago
Later on Walsh quotes Mayor John Giles:
"It's pretty evident that we need to finish the job . . . We took a breath for a while and now we need to finish the plan."
Here's the killer from Walsh twisting words again: "Despite speculation from a blogger and other critics to the contrary, 'It's not tied to a downtown agenda'. The voters said they want better roads . . ."
WHOA! "not tied"????????????????? Denial not believable.
* Just a coincidence that the 18-month construction period for the Mesa Drive overhaul project just happens to coincide with the the re-opening of the LDS Temple Transformation + Major Mormon Make-Over of Downtown @ Mesa Drive/Main Street?
[Pardon me for that "speculation". Me bad]
And this: You can get your time-pieces and watches fixed: Walsh mentions that one business, Norm's Watch Repair, is happy. The owner and his mother Jewel Collins expect to attract more clients, particularly because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is building a major residential project next door. . . A lot of people fix things because of their sentimental value."
Farther on in the piece, he happens to add "The opposition from business owners  is not unanimous"
Enter some quotes from Julie Christoph, the Mesa Drive Overhaul project director and a supervisory engineer in the City of Mesa Engineering Department. . .
Readers of this blog will have wait to see "the fix" online from Jim Walsh online.