Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Things That Matter: Bowers & Ducey Might Clash On The AZ State House Floor

Ooooo-yeah things could get dicey on a number of issues but there's definitely "something in the water" that East Valley real estate developers need real: MORE WATER. 
The issue: The 19-Year Old Drought. 
Other states in the Colorado River basin have approved the larger plan, and aside from a few California water districts,
Arizona is the holdout everyone’s watching as it writes an internal deal.
Speaker of The House Rusty Bowers, a conservative Mormon Republican from Mesa, is a key figure because he decides which bills hit the House floor to get voted on.
What's he want?
I want language tomorrow.
I want language of the agreements tomorrow.
I want language of the bill tomorrow.
And if he doesn't have them tomorrow, I'm adding a day, . .
Yesterday, I delivered my State of the State address at the Arizona Capitol, focusing on the Things That Matter.
Four years ago we were broke and families were hurting. Today, the state of our state is strong, and getting stronger. The challenge before us is to lay the groundwork today to make sure the Arizona of tomorrow is strong. Doing so requires action now to do the things that matter and secure Arizona’s future.
View my State of the State address HERE. 

Thank you!
One of the major issues addressed by Gov. Doug Ducey during his State of the State address was a drought contingency plan.
With a Jan. 31 deadline looming, Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers says he won’t be pressured into approving a plan he has yet to see. 
I want language tomorrow.
I want language of the agreements tomorrow.
I want language of the bill tomorrow.
And if he doesn't have them tomorrow, I'm adding a day, . .
Bowers said holding firm to this resolve is in the best interest of Arizonans.
“I have an obligation as the speaker of the House to my membership and our constituents," he said.
"We are not going to act without knowing what we do.”
House Speaker Bowers spoke with Howard Fischer of Capitol Media Services. who joined The Show to talk about the situation.
Arizona House Speaker Bowers Waiting For Drought Plan From Gov. Ducey
Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - 3:33pm
Updated: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - 3:51pm
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