Friday, January 25, 2019

U.S. Conference of Mayors City Livability Award Applications Open

The Conference of Mayors City Livability Program, sponsored by Waste Management, Inc., honors mayors and their city governments for developing programs that enhance the quality of life in urban areas. Established in 1979, the City Livability Awards are given annually to ten mayors and their cities–a first-place award and four Outstanding Achievement Awards for cities under 100,000 population, and a first-place and four Outstanding Achievement Awards for cities of 100,000 or more inhabitants.
All cities receive guidelines for preparing applications for the City Livability Awards in January of each year. Winners are selected by an independent panel of judges, and the winning mayors are announced at the Annual Conference of Mayors.
Deadline: March 15, 2019
Jocelyn Bogen Program Manager
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Online Application

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