Sunday, June 09, 2019

Doing-The-Hand Jive: ASU's Chief Research & Information Officer "Innovating The Future"

Ever notice how almost every "talking-head" in front of a camera has now mastered gesticulating madly with both hands when they appear on screens?
Indian-American Researcher Sethuraman “Panch” Panchanathan leads the Knowledge Enterprise at Arizona State University, which advances research, innovation, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship and international development at ASU... Now Knowledge is A Business 
"Innovating the Future" is an interview from Friday on ASU's PBS Channel, part of their New America Series. The host for this program is Anne Marie Slaughter. Panch's focus uses his hands to make some points about Artificial Intelligence and what he calls situational awareness. These include what he calls "vibro-tactile motors" to alert soldiers or those with disabilities in stories that he tells during the episode.  
Innovating The Future took on an economic aspect years ago in a geographic-area focus that defined parts of cities as INNOVATION DISTRICTS, some more successful than others. That became part of "the sales pitch" that could transform Downtown Mesa, adding to the not too successful branding campaign to make downtown an Arts-and-Culture District.
That hasn't happened in more than 15 years. . . 
Innovation became a buzzword for city officials here in Mesa back in January 2018. It did, however, attract a lot of interest when most of the seats got filled in one theater space at the Mesa Arts Center for a show put on by the Brookings Institution. [scroll down to watch the streaming video]
An Innovation District - according to Bruce Katz is a self-defined concept.
Like this one that arrived for public consumption after four years of studying and $40,000 for that study.
What have we seen "rising" here in Mesa?
Fill-in the blanks if you can __________________________________________________
What is an Innovation District Anyway???
"a collaboration by a city-college-corporation that creates a connective corridor designed specifically to foster a community network that supports innovation between a campus and collaborators."
Downtown would become be "the campus" and the corporation would be what?
The City of Mesa a city-college corporation. . .  Is that how it might work ?????
Bruce Katz of The Brookings Institute brought order to the "Wild West of Innovation District Development"   by defining them by three typologies in his book "The Rise of Innovation Districts":    
  • The “anchor plus” model,
  • The “re-imagined urban areas” model
  •  The "urbanized science park" model
 [QUESTION: Where does DT Mesa fit in?]
> Anchor Plus examples:
Cortex St. Louis
University City in Philadelphia
> Re-imagined Urban Areas
South Lake Union in Seattle
Boston Seaport
Brooklyn Navy Yard.
> Urbanized Science Parks:
Research Park Triangle in Raleigh-Durham
University of Arizona Tech Park
University of Virginia.
MAY 1, 2019 Entry: Jane Talkington, PhD innovation and sustainability scholar, strives to maintain a list of self-defined "innovation districts" in the U.S.
There are now over 90 examples of communities pursuing an innovation-driven economy through the establishment of an innovation district (terminology varies among these developments). 
Innovation Districts: University Examples
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
October 2018 Update. Light Rail is ready.

> Four years of discussions led up to a public meeting January 18, 2018.
The Rise of Mesa's Innovation District - YouTube
Jan 19, 2018 - Uploaded by City of Mesa
The Rise of Mesa's Innovation District. City of Mesa
The Quick Jab | City of Mesa

Sethuraman Panchanathan talks about AI and other technological innovations
Innovating the Future host and New America CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter talks to Sethuraman Panchanathan, ASU’s chief research and innovation officer. The conversation offers a fascinating window into the future by focusing on how his research seeks to bring AI and technological innovation to people with physical disabilities.

Nov 9, 2018
What does it mean to democratize education and include learners of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds ... › ASU Now › Videos
Feb 28, 2018 - Uploaded by ASU Now
This is "Sethuraman Panchanathan - KED" by ASU Now on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the ... › IGERT Resources › Videos

Feb 13, 2015 - Uploaded by IGERT Resources
This is "Innovation Session - Sethuraman Panchanathan, Arizona State University" by IGERT Resources on ...

“A government for your government.” You mean, like a federation? Like the US? Quote | Jonathan Pie @JonathanPieNews

  Jonathan Pie @JonathanPieNews · Mar 14 “A government for your government.” You mean, like a federation? Like the US? Quote Elon Musk @elo...