Details. So many details . . . so many details!
> One big ticket item - $12,000.000 for what?
> 3 Dollar-Limit Increases to Term Contracts for the Mesa Water Resources Department
> Creation of yet another Irrigation Water Delivery District
> Economic Impact of Falcon Field - believe the numbers?
> Mesa History Museum in Lehi ... how did it get there?
> The City's Uniform Video Service License Agreement
> More . . . .
City Council Study Session
Final Meeting Agenda Thu 13 June 2019 Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by telephone conference call.)
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the June 17, 2019 regular Council meeting.
15 Contracts in Item 4
>> Items 4-l thru 4-n
Dollar Limit Increases to 3 Term Contracts for Water Resources Dept
Item 4-o
Ratification of the Emergency Purchase of Pump Rentals, Pump Control Panel, and Related Services for the Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant as requested by the Water Resources Department (Citywide)
The Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (GWRP), Headworks Building flooded on April 15, 2019 due to an equipment failure at the plant. An Emergency Purchase for the needed services and equipment to get the Headworks Building operable was crucial to the operations of the plant. The Water Resource Department and Purchasing recommend ratifying the emergency purchase of equipment, materials, and services from various vendors and service providers, at $101,894.62. This purchase is 58% funded by the Towns of Gilbert and Queen Creek, and 42% funded by the Enterprise Fund - Greenfield WRP Joint Venture.
> 11 Resolutions in Item 5
> 2 Ordinances in
Item 6-a and Item 7-a
Introduction of the following ordinance and setting July 1, 2019 as the date of the public hearing on this ordinance:
19-0675 ZON19-00064 (District 2)
Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located west of Power Road, on the north side of Baseline Road (6.8 ± acres).
Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF; and Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use.
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Anthony Miachika, Pacific Rim Group, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)
2 Presentations/Action Items:
19-0600 Economic Development Advisory Board meeting held on April 2, 2019.3-a
4 Hear reports on meetings and/or conferences attended.
5 Scheduling of meetings and general information.
_______________________________________________________________________2 Presentations/Action Items
ITEM 2-a
Hear a presentation and discuss an update on the programs and services provided by the Mesa Historical Museum.
What have we done so far?
Ten years of deferred maintenance, including patching and painting the exterior and interior of the school, repairing plumbing and electrical Repairing and recertifying fire suppression systems, and cleaning up the landscaping
Re-opened the Old Lehi School
For 2021:
> Challenges!
Historic renovation of the Lehi Auditorium to make it available to the community
Long-Term Vision
To turn the Lehi Campus into a permanent exhibition site that will allow MHM to exhibit its many treasures and provide the City of Mesa with a usable community asset and the museum it deserves
ITEM 2-b
Hear presentation and discuss an overview of the Falcon Field Airport including
FY 2019-20 Airport Enterprise Fund Budget and Activity Highlights
New Hangar Construction:
• 5,600 sf corporate hangar (Under Construction)
• 8,300 sf corporate hangar (In Design Review)
• 23-acre development with 340,000 sf large aircraft hangar space (In Design)
Completion: Late 2021
Page 9: METHODOLOGY: Economic Benefits
• Follow established FAA guidelines for economic benefit studies
• Survey on-airport businesses and public agencies to measure value of output, employment, and payrolls, for 2018 study period
• Include capital improvement spending as a source of benefits
• Identify “true transient” General Aviation activity and estimate visitor spending for overnight and one day visitors
• Use input-output analysis to estimate secondary multiplier or “ripple effects” that extend benefits across the regional economy
Why include Boeing, a privately-owned conglomerate, in a city-owned facility?
3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees
ITEM 3-a
Office of Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting on 02 April 2019 8 pages
5 Take action on the following resolutions:
19-0242 Levying the amount to be collected by a secondary property tax and the rate upon each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of property subject to taxation within the City of Mesa for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. (Citywide)
The FY 2019-20 secondary property tax rate and levy are adjusted to fund public safety and parks and culture bonds authorized by Mesa voters in the November 2018 election.
19-0705 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to adopt a form of Uniform Video Service License Agreement and a Standard Form of Application and Affidavit for the City of Mesa. (Citywide)
Changes to State law require that by July 1, 2019, local governments adopt a uniform video service license agreement and standard form of application and affidavit for such license that is consistent with recent changes to Title 9, Chapter 13 of the Arizona Revised Statues relating to video services.
19-0673 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement for the Mitigation of Reductions to NIA Priority CAP Water under the Drought Contingency Plan. (Citywide)
This Agreement governs how the Central Arizona Water Conservation will undertake mitigation of reductions in Non-Indian Agricultural priority Central Arizona Project water by making available certain specified water supplies or funding to impacted parties, including the City of Mesa, under the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plans and associated Agreements.
Page 8 City of Mesa Printed on 6/11/2019
June 17, 2019City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
19-0670 Endorsing the creation of the Fraser Fields Irrigation Water Delivery District that is generally bounded by East University Drive on the north, East Pepper Place on the south, North Fraser Drive W on the west, and North Fraser Drive E on the east. (District 4)
The formation of an irrigation water delivery district allows the District to make improvements and perform maintenance and operations of their irrigation system.
Final designation of the District is determined by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
19-0668 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority.
The Intergovernmental Agreement will provide reimbursement for three years of aircraft rescue and firefighting services by the Fire and Medical Department beginning July 2019 through June 2022. (District 6)
19-0056 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Queen Creek for the design and construction of roadway improvements to Signal Butte and Meridian Roads.
The City's portion of the project costs, of up to $12,000,000, will be reimbursed to the Town of Queen Creek. (District 6)
19-0720 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (CDBG), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if recieved. (Citywide)
19-0721 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if received. (Citywide)
19-0722 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 (ESG), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if received. (Citywide)
Page 9 City of Mesa Printed on 6/11/2019
June 17, 2019City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
> 19-0723 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to disburse FY 2019/2020 Human Services funds for activities by non-profits approved by the City Council and to enter into agreements for the disbursement of Human Services funds. (Citywide)
> 19-0718 Approving the FY 2019/2020 Annual Action Plan for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and authorizing the City Manager to amend, sign, and submit the Annual Action Plan for FY 2019/2020. (Citywide)
> One big ticket item - $12,000.000 for what?
> 3 Dollar-Limit Increases to Term Contracts for the Mesa Water Resources Department
> Creation of yet another Irrigation Water Delivery District
> Economic Impact of Falcon Field - believe the numbers?
> Mesa History Museum in Lehi ... how did it get there?
> The City's Uniform Video Service License Agreement
> More . . . .
City Council Study Session
Final Meeting Agenda Thu 13 June 2019 Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by telephone conference call.)
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the June 17, 2019 regular Council meeting.
Meeting Name: | City Council | Agenda status: | Tentative |
Meeting date/time: | 6/17/2019 5:45 PM | Minutes status: | Draft |
Meeting location: | Council Chambers - Upper Level |
Published agenda: | ![]() |
15 Contracts in Item 4
>> Items 4-l thru 4-n
Dollar Limit Increases to 3 Term Contracts for Water Resources Dept
Item 4-o
Ratification of the Emergency Purchase of Pump Rentals, Pump Control Panel, and Related Services for the Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant as requested by the Water Resources Department (Citywide)
The Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (GWRP), Headworks Building flooded on April 15, 2019 due to an equipment failure at the plant. An Emergency Purchase for the needed services and equipment to get the Headworks Building operable was crucial to the operations of the plant. The Water Resource Department and Purchasing recommend ratifying the emergency purchase of equipment, materials, and services from various vendors and service providers, at $101,894.62. This purchase is 58% funded by the Towns of Gilbert and Queen Creek, and 42% funded by the Enterprise Fund - Greenfield WRP Joint Venture.
Attachments: | 1. Council Report |
> 11 Resolutions in Item 5
> 2 Ordinances in
Item 6-a and Item 7-a
Introduction of the following ordinance and setting July 1, 2019 as the date of the public hearing on this ordinance:
19-0675 ZON19-00064 (District 2)
Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located west of Power Road, on the north side of Baseline Road (6.8 ± acres).
Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF; and Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use.
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Anthony Miachika, Pacific Rim Group, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)
2 Presentations/Action Items:
- 19-0715 Hear a presentation and discuss an update on the programs and services provided by the Mesa Historical Museum. 2-a
- 19-0716 Hear presentation and discuss an overview of the Falcon Field Airport including its current year budget forecasted outcomes and FY19/20 projections, the updated Airport Master Plan, and the Airport’s Economic Benefit Analysis study. 2-b
19-0600 Economic Development Advisory Board meeting held on April 2, 2019.3-a
4 Hear reports on meetings and/or conferences attended.
5 Scheduling of meetings and general information.
_______________________________________________________________________2 Presentations/Action Items
ITEM 2-a
Hear a presentation and discuss an update on the programs and services provided by the Mesa Historical Museum.
Attachments: | 1. Presentation |
What have we done so far?
Ten years of deferred maintenance, including patching and painting the exterior and interior of the school, repairing plumbing and electrical Repairing and recertifying fire suppression systems, and cleaning up the landscaping
Re-opened the Old Lehi School
For 2021:
> An Exhibit on the History of the Hispanic community in Mesa
Fernando Guerrero Sr., Patricia Mendivil, Al Mendoza> A collaboration with the Mesa Police Department to provide a program on the history of Mesa and its communities to all new recruits > Challenges!
Historic renovation of the Lehi Auditorium to make it available to the community
Long-Term Vision
To turn the Lehi Campus into a permanent exhibition site that will allow MHM to exhibit its many treasures and provide the City of Mesa with a usable community asset and the museum it deserves
ITEM 2-b
Hear presentation and discuss an overview of the Falcon Field Airport including
- Current year budget forecasted outcomes and FY19/20 projections,
- Updated Airport Master Plan
- Airport’s Economic Benefit Analysis Study.
Attachments: | 1. Presentation |
FY 2019-20 Airport Enterprise Fund Budget and Activity Highlights
New Hangar Construction:
• 5,600 sf corporate hangar (Under Construction)
• 8,300 sf corporate hangar (In Design Review)
• 23-acre development with 340,000 sf large aircraft hangar space (In Design)
Completion: Late 2021
Page 9: METHODOLOGY: Economic Benefits
• Follow established FAA guidelines for economic benefit studies
• Survey on-airport businesses and public agencies to measure value of output, employment, and payrolls, for 2018 study period
• Include capital improvement spending as a source of benefits
• Identify “true transient” General Aviation activity and estimate visitor spending for overnight and one day visitors
• Use input-output analysis to estimate secondary multiplier or “ripple effects” that extend benefits across the regional economy
Why include Boeing, a privately-owned conglomerate, in a city-owned facility?
3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees
ITEM 3-a
Office of Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting on 02 April 2019 8 pages
Attachments: | 1. 2019-04-02 City of Mesa EDAB Approved Meeting Minutes |
5 Take action on the following resolutions:
19-0242 Levying the amount to be collected by a secondary property tax and the rate upon each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of property subject to taxation within the City of Mesa for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. (Citywide)
The FY 2019-20 secondary property tax rate and levy are adjusted to fund public safety and parks and culture bonds authorized by Mesa voters in the November 2018 election.
19-0705 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to adopt a form of Uniform Video Service License Agreement and a Standard Form of Application and Affidavit for the City of Mesa. (Citywide)
Changes to State law require that by July 1, 2019, local governments adopt a uniform video service license agreement and standard form of application and affidavit for such license that is consistent with recent changes to Title 9, Chapter 13 of the Arizona Revised Statues relating to video services.
19-0673 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement for the Mitigation of Reductions to NIA Priority CAP Water under the Drought Contingency Plan. (Citywide)
This Agreement governs how the Central Arizona Water Conservation will undertake mitigation of reductions in Non-Indian Agricultural priority Central Arizona Project water by making available certain specified water supplies or funding to impacted parties, including the City of Mesa, under the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plans and associated Agreements.
Page 8 City of Mesa Printed on 6/11/2019
June 17, 2019City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
19-0670 Endorsing the creation of the Fraser Fields Irrigation Water Delivery District that is generally bounded by East University Drive on the north, East Pepper Place on the south, North Fraser Drive W on the west, and North Fraser Drive E on the east. (District 4)
The formation of an irrigation water delivery district allows the District to make improvements and perform maintenance and operations of their irrigation system.
Final designation of the District is determined by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
19-0668 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority.
The Intergovernmental Agreement will provide reimbursement for three years of aircraft rescue and firefighting services by the Fire and Medical Department beginning July 2019 through June 2022. (District 6)
19-0056 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Queen Creek for the design and construction of roadway improvements to Signal Butte and Meridian Roads.
The City's portion of the project costs, of up to $12,000,000, will be reimbursed to the Town of Queen Creek. (District 6)
19-0720 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (CDBG), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if recieved. (Citywide)
19-0721 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if received. (Citywide)
19-0722 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to prepare, sign, and submit applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive FY 2019/2020 entitlement funds under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 (ESG), as amended, to fund activities approved by the City Council and authorizing disbursement of program funds if received. (Citywide)
Page 9 City of Mesa Printed on 6/11/2019
June 17, 2019City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
> 19-0723 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to disburse FY 2019/2020 Human Services funds for activities by non-profits approved by the City Council and to enter into agreements for the disbursement of Human Services funds. (Citywide)
> 19-0718 Approving the FY 2019/2020 Annual Action Plan for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and authorizing the City Manager to amend, sign, and submit the Annual Action Plan for FY 2019/2020. (Citywide)