Sunday, June 30, 2019

Not Just A Fireworks Show: Mystery Guest Melissa Randazzo

Well, Who exactly is Melissa Randazzo?
Readers of this blog might guess by her hand gestures that she has some link with John Giles who appears many times gesticulating the same way with both hands at the same time.
So why bring Melissa on-the-stage at a recent episode of the city's entertainment channel.
She is The Mayor's Office of Public Information.
She gets all the information they-want-you-to-know out for consumption by the public.
Melissa Randazzo  works closely with the Mayor's Chief of Staff Ian Linsenn, who is also the Liaison with the Mesa City Council, and assistant to Mesa City Manager Chris Brady.
Ian and Melissa are frequently not seen by the public - they are the back-stage "handlers" for John Giles.
Here's Melissa Randazzo in a segment lasting 06:42 of air time - with 16 views in 10 days
PUBLIC PROFILE: Melissa Randazzo
Melissa Randazzo - Public Information and Communications ...
View Melissa Randazzo's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ... Public Information and Communications Specialist II at City of Mesa
Downtown Visioning Committee | RAIL Mesa
Ian  Linssen was profiled by Code America in 2014
Peer Network Spotlight: Ian LinssenPosted on Oct 19, 2014 by Garrett Jacobs
Ian Linssen is a City Council Assistant for the City of Mesa Arizona. Ian has been involved in municipal and state government for more than seven years and has held various positions in the Arizona Attorney General’s office, Mesa City Manager’s office, Budget and Finance, and Council office. Ian is an avid consumer of all things tech and is especially interested in the intersection of ground-breaking technologies and government regulation.

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