Pouring Some SALT on Opportunity Zones: New "Anti-Abuse" Regulations + Guidelines
OZones are the subject of many posts on this blog. Opportunities for some, but the biggest winners might be the legions of tax attorneys who get well paid to deal with all the COMPLEXITIES. The IRS and The U.S. Treasury issued new regulations on April 17th - "the 2nd tranche"that were re-published in excerpts here last week for your information.
There are penalties that will be imposed for what are mostly "self-reporting" and there's a new DEADLINE of June 29,2019 for access to funds QOFs that might be lost in the 180-Day Investment Window. Specifically 5 new regulations. There are "bad actors" and "good actors"
Why is this new Caliber video getting uploaded and posted today here, after two years of knowing about the Caliber Wealth Creation funds? CEO Chris Loeffler is stating that his company can GUARANTEEdoubling or tripling investments "if they do it right". He claims $500M + $500M in development now
Published on May 31, 2019
Views: 6
Watch Caliber CEO and Co-Founder, Chris Loeffler and Snell & Wilmer Partner, Marc Schultz, discuss Opportunity Zones at the 2019 SALT Conference