Friday, June 28, 2019

Yesterday's Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 27 June 2019

Let's get "THE BIG NEWS STORY: out of the way first, from favorite Go-to staff writer for the East Valley Tribune Jim Walsh
Google picks Mesa for giant data center
Jun 27, 2019 Updated
Readers of this blog can locate and read all the agendas by click or tap here
Of all the other items on the agenda, one got a lot of attention yesterday: Lehi Cove
It's an area near and dear to Mormons here in Mesa - even before there was ever a place named "Mesa" 
Lehi was initially known as Jonesville and Fort Utah; it did not receive the name of Lehi until 1883 when LDS Apostle Brigham Young, Jr. recommended renaming the settlement after the prophet Lehi from the Book of Mormon . . .
[There's a Lehi Cove located in Utah]
Lehi is now a distinct community within Mesa, Arizona, although Lehi existed prior to the founding of Mesa. Lehi was annexed into its much larger former neighbor in 1970, and is now the northern limit of central Mesa.
To the other majority of others - some 500,000+ people who live here now - Lehi might not matter much. However, it is the first item to take up a lot of time at the study in the Lower Chambers, especially when there are so many other important items to be heard and discussed. It's typical of the city council presided over by mayor John Giles to set the stage he wants and schedule time at these public meetings to take away attention and to distract people.
Giles immediately gets cued and prompted by City Manager Chris Brady to go to Item 2-b where there's already a pre-arranged panel of three individuals to discuss Environmental Air Quality.
Bad air days on the rise: The nation's most polluted city is ...
by Doyle Rice
BLOGGER NOTE: After six cities in California, Phoenix/Mesa is the most polluted area in the entire country
". . . About 141 million Americans live with unhealthful levels of air pollution, the report says, placing them at risk for premature death, lung cancer, asthma attacks, cardiovascular damage and developmental and reproductive harm.
This is a higher number than either of the reports from 2017 and 2018. . . "
Note: District 6 Councilmember Kevin Thompson leaves right at the beginning . . .
Who you see in this screen-grab is the Director of the ADEQ who's job is to clean up the environment in the State of Arizona and in Maricopa County where federal Clean Air Standards have been consistently violated year-after-year - 2019 is getting worse.
NOTHING ABOUT THOSE SERIOUS LIFE-THREATENING HAZARD AND RISKS TO THE PUBLIC AT THIS HEARING - Please watch the opening minutes of the presentation to see what city employee introduces the panel. It's all about getting approval for one more new real estate development named Lehi Cove that requires an annexation of more land!
Longtime City Planning Director John Wesley has been replaced by the little noticed new planning director Nana Appiah whom we know little about - he first provides background in the presentation although he's not as clear-speaking as the former city planning director.


Commission on the Status of Women >> Join us and Chelsea Clinton at the U.N. (or virtually) on 3/19

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