02 June 2019

Will Starlink & Other Satellite Networks Ruin The Night Sky For Astronom...

60 satellites last week in one life-off by SpaceX. Here's some really good information and background provided by Scott Manley's YouTube Channel. NOTICE all the companies who are increasing satellite traffic by the thousands - there's a stunning image in the streaming video of the '60-satellite train'.
Published on May 27, 2019
Views: 228,941
There's a lot of concern right now about the future of Earth based astronomy with the prospect of thousands more satellites getting in the way of ground based telescopes.
What's the balance between science & culture vs worldwide network accessiblility?
Trevor Mahlman's Starlink video
Here's Trevor's guide on how to find the Starlink train while it's still close together.https://www.tmahlmann.com/2019/05/how...

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