Sunday, June 02, 2019

REMINDER: June 11 2019 is Deadline To Submit Public Comments

Public comment period for Annual Action Plan started on 14 May 2019.
All comments submitted become a part of the public record.
What DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR FY2019/2020?A public comment period is underway through Tuesday, June 11 for the City of Mesa's proposed Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Annual Action Plan.

> The plan includes specific activities recommended for funding under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs.
> It also includes the City's Human Services programs which receive money from the General Fund and contributions from the ABC: A Better Community program.
The funds are used for housing and community development activities that benefit low and moderate-income residents and assist in the prevention or elimination of slum and blighting influences.
The City will receive the following allocations from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for FY 19/20: 
  • CDBG $3,729,487 (public service and non-public service)
  • HOME $2,056,261 (includes $700,000 in prior year funds)
  • ESG $ 308,423 
Human Services programming is expected to remain stable at $720,000.
This is the same amount allocated in the previous fiscal year. 
The PROPOSED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR FY2019/2020 is 53 pages long
Executive Summary 
AP-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)
1. Introduction
The City of Mesa’s 2019/20 Annual Action Plan is a comprehensive document promoting a coordinated approach to housing and community needs, and fostering the coordination of all programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It details the activities and projects in which HUD dollars, as well as other federal, State and local funding dollars, will be allocated. This Plan outlines the priorities by which the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program funds will be invested over the 2019/20 fiscal year. This is the fifth Annual Action Plan detailing specific activities to be carried out in order to meet the 2015-2019 Five Year Consolidated Plan's priorities and goals. 

2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan 
This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan.

The Strategic Plan outlines the following priority needs based on the Needs Assessment and Market Analysis which includes:
• Invest in Economic Growth and Workforce Development
• Provide financial support, training, and technical assistance to owners and/or developers of microenterprises.
• Create and secure financial resources to seed a revolving small business loan fund, targeted to business owners along the light rail corridor.
• Undertake commercial revitalization in target areas through the construction and/or rehabilitation of commercial structures and through façade improvement programs.
• Provide job skills training opportunities to better prepare the City’s workforce for employment. 
• Prioritize funding for economic development projects based on proximity to transit access points.
• Increase and Maintain Affordable Housing Stock

Annual Action Plan 2019 2
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)

• Provide funding for the development of new and/or rehabilitated rental units affordable to households at or below 60% AMI, with specific targets for the 0-30%, 31-50%, 51-60%, and 6180% AMI categories.
• Fund construction of new affordable ownership units for sale to low- and moderate-income buyers. • Develop and implement a rating tool to be used when evaluating proposed affordable housing developments that scores and weighs criteria such as proximity to public transportation access points, proximity to job centers, and other opportunity factors.
• Consider other opportunities such as Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) that provide rental subsidies to low-income households to make existing units affordable.
• Develop an incentive program that encourages private-sector developers to include affordable units in their projects and advocate for the adoption of the program by City government.
• Extend the useful life of existing affordable housing through weatherization, emergency repair, and rehabilitation.
• Provide down payment assistance to eligible low- and moderate-income homebuyers. 

3. Evaluation of past performance 
This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or projects.
Each year, the City of Mesa reports its progress in meeting the five-year and annual goals in the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER).
The CAPER is submitted to HUD within 90 days after the start of the new program year.
Copies of the CAPER are available for review at the City of Mesa Housing and Community Development Division.    EVER LOOK AT IT?

4. Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process 
Summary from citizen participation section of plan.
The City conducted significant consultations with citizens, municipal officials, non-profit agencies, public housing agencies, governmental agencies, and the Continuum of Care in preparing this Plan. The City held various public meetings prior to the development of the Plan, and additional public meetings to review the draft proposals and priorities.
These meetings are summarized in the Citizen Participation Section. 
Public comments on the draft Annual Action Plan were received over a 30-day Public Comment Period which commenced on May 13, 2019 and ended on June 11, 2019. 

5. Summary of public comments

 Annual Action Plan 2019 3
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)

This could be a brief narrative summary or reference an attached document from the Citizen Participation section of the Con Plan.
Comments received during the public meetings prior and during the preparation of the Plan and related priorities are summarized in the Citizen Participation Section of this Plan. 

6. Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them
All public comments are taken into consideration in preparing the Annual Action Plan.

The City has reviewed all comments for common and recurring themes to help establish priorities and goals.

7. Summary
This Annual Action Plan addresses the priorities and needs identified in the Consolidated Plan.
These priorities are the community’s affordable housing, community development, and economic development needs with a comprehensive and coordinated strategy for implementation of programs. The City will utilize CDBG, HOME and ESG program funds to leverage other public and private investments to address the City’s priority goals. 
A printed copy of the plan, listing all projects proposed for funding, is available at the Housing and Community Development Division, 20 E. Main St., Suite 250, in Mesa.
An electronic copy is available at
Written comments are welcome and should be submitted to
All written comments received by June 11 at 6 p.m. will be considered. 
You can also provide feedback about the Annual Action Plan during two public hearings Thursday, May30 at10 a.m. at Red Mountain Multigenerational Center, 7550 E. Adobe and Monday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m. at Mesa City Plaza, 20 E. Main St., Room 170. 
The Annual Action Plan is scheduled to go to City Council June 17. Once approved, it will be submitted to HUD by June 30.
Housing and Community Development
Contact: Kevin Christopher
Tel. 480-644-4699

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