Tuesday, June 25, 2019

On The Agenda > Mesa City Council Events

No agendas are available right now for the four meetings on Thursday, June 27th
City Council Meetings Home Page > click or tap here
THE GOOD NEWS: Tentative Agenda for Study Session is available [see below]

Reference: Mesa LegiStar Calendar/Research Center 
Reference: http://mesa.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx 

Mayor's Welcome
Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by telephone conference call.)
Invocation / Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Awards, Recognitions, and Announcements
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
19-0739 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.*2

3 Take action on the following contracts:
19-0729 Purchase of Two Lighting Consoles (Replacement/Upgrade) for the Mesa Arts Center as requested by the Arts and Culture Department (Citywide)
This purchase will upgrade the lighting consoles in the Ikeda Theater.  Replacement parts are no longer being manufactured for the current consoles, and the City is no longer able to have these units serviced or repaired.  The upgrade will allow for the same programming syntax and language to be used, which will eliminate any training time needed for lighting operators and contractors.  Additionally, the existing theatrical dimmers and lobby lighting system are also the same brand, and selecting these consoles will ensure compatibility with the existing infrastructure for the foreseeable future.
The Arts and Culture Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Barbizon Light of the Rockies, dba Barbizon Light of Arizona, at $39,532.17. This purchase is funded by Mesa Arts Center Restoration Fund.

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19-0732 One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Janitorial and Sanitation Supplies for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for Citywide Departments) (Citywide)
City departments require a broad supply of janitorial and sanitation products to support daily maintenance operations.  Supplies include sanitizing and disinfecting cleaners, waste receptacles, paper products including paper towels, cups and napkins, brooms, brushes and handles, and latex gloves.
The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal using the National IPA/City of Tucson cooperative contract with Waxie Sanitary Supply (a Mesa business), at $100,000, based on estimated usage.

19-0731 One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Fabrication and Installation of Park Signs for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)
Parks, Recreation and Commercial Facilities uses park identification signs, basin identification signs, rules signs, and other signs throughout the City’s park system for park identification, and to inform and assist patrons in the proper use of park properties.
The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Sierra Signs & Service, Inc. (a Mesa business), at $467,000 annually, based on estimated quantities.

19-0687 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Custodial Services for Parks and Sports Field Facilities for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)
This contract will provide patrons safe, clean, and sanitary restroom facilities that are free from trash and debris at the City’s 32 parks and sports field facilities.
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposal from Carnation Building Service, Inc., at $254,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.

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19-0727 One-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Bomb Suit and Helmet Ensembles for the Police Department (Citywide)
The Police Department’s Bomb Team has the responsibility of responding to improvised explosive devices, suspicious packages, found explosives and ammunitions, and to assist the patrol division and SWAT with operations within the City. The specified, Med-Eng EOD 10 Bomb Suit and Med-Eng EOD Helmet, is the only suit used by the FBI Hazardous Devices School, and it is the suit purchased and used by all U.S. Bomb Teams including the FBI and ATF Bomb Technicians. This suit is compatible and is interoperable between Bomb Teams.
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Atlantic Tactical, Inc., at $76,000 for year 1, and $38,000 annually for years 2 and 3, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. The initial purchase of $37,018.41 is funded by Department of Homeland Security.

19-0730 One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for EZ-IO Needles for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Sole Source) (Citywide)
This contract provides intraosseous (IO) needles for Mesa Fire and Medical paramedics.  IO needles establish an effective means to deliver fluids and medications to patients in critical condition.  The IO line is as efficient as an intravenous route, but can be inserted more quickly and can be used on patients with a compromised circulatory system, where an IV cannot be used.
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with the sole source vendor, Arrow International, Inc., at $120,000 annually, based on estimated usage.

19-0726 Purchase of a Mini Cargo Van (Replacement) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
The vehicle that is being replaced has met established criteria and will be either traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed to special uses as part of the vehicle replacement program.
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the existing contract with PFVT Motors, LLC, dba Peoria Ford, at $31,712.97.  This purchase is funded by the Capital General Fund.

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19-0733 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Miscellaneous Rescue Equipment for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
This contract will provide battery powered extrication tools that are required for hazardous response. The tools will replace outdated hydraulic extrication tools on existing apparatus and equip new apparatus.
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders:  Extrication Concepts; L.N. Curtis & Sons; and Municipal Emergency Services; at $450,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or based on the Consumer Price Index.

19-0760 Six-Month Term Contract for Tires for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Fleet Services and Fire and Medical Departments) (Citywide)
This contract provides Goodyear and Bridgestone tires for the City's fleet of vehicles and equipment.
The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the contract using NASPO/State of Arizona cooperative contracts with Purcell Tire Company; and Redburn Tire Company (Mesa locations); at $600,000 for the six-month term, based on estimated requirements.

19-0755 Purchase of Three Replacement CNG-Powered Heavy-Duty Front-Loading and One Replacement CNG-Powered Automated Side Loading Refuse Trucks for the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide)
This purchase will provide four replacement refuse trucks for solid waste collection. Fleet and Solid Waste continue to replace diesel trucks with CNG trucks.
The Fleet Services and Environmental Management and Sustainability Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the existing contracts with Rush Truck Centers of Arizona, dba Rush Truck Center Phoenix, at $1,535,274.03. This purchase is funded by the Capital Enterprise Fund and the Solid Waste Development Fee.

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19-0736 One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Spray Marking Paint for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for various City Departments) (Citywide)
This contract provides various types of spray marking paint for the City of Mesa and the City of Chandler. Various City departments use the spray marking paint to support their daily operations.
The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Border States Electric, at $57,300 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.

19-0735 Three-Year Renewal of the Term Contract for Odor Control Service for the Water Resources Department (Sole Source) (Citywide)
The vendor provides hydrogen peroxide and operates and monitors the City's Brooks Sulfide Control Station, which is located on the Center Mesa Interceptor (CMI).  The site has provided reliable odor control on the CMI for the Cubs Spring Training Facility and Riverview Park area, since its installation.
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with the sole source vendor, U.S. Peroxide, LLC, at $145,000 annually, based on estimated usage.

19-0728 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Cationic Emulsion Polymer for the Water Resources Department (Citywide)
This contract provides cationic emulsion polymer used for thickening and dewatering wastewater sludge at the Northwest and Greenfield Water Reclamation Plants.  The increase requested is due to an increase to tariffs, high demand of natural resources needed to manufacture polymer, driver shortages, and increased fuel costs.
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Polydyne, Inc., for Year 5, from $467,000 to $650,000 annually, based on estimated usage.

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19-0752 1st Avenue Right-of-Way Improvements Project - Phase 1 - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Selection and Pre-Construction Services Contract (District 4)
This project will include narrowing 1st Avenue from Mesa Drive to LeSueur including new asphalt pavement, sidewalk improvements, a raised median, sewer line installation, a new storm drain, electrical undergrounding, and rehabilitated street lighting.  Landscape and tree enhancements, as well as gas and water relocations, will be completed by an adjacent developer.  Improvements from Hibbert to Mesa Drive will not narrow 1st Avenue; however, it will retain existing curb locations, with new asphalt pavement, ADA sidewalk improvements, a new curb return at the northwest corner of Pomeroy, landscaping, water, gas, sewer line installations, electrical service undergrounding to Empanadas, electrical undergrounding along Pomeroy, improved storm drains, and relocations of the City’s flood irrigation facilities.
Staff recommends the selection of Haydon Building Corp. as the CMAR for this project and award a pre-construction services contract in the amount of $132,728. 
This project is funded by 2013 authorized Street bonds and 2014 authorized Gas, Electric, and Water bonds.

19-0756 Storm Water Pump Station Rehabilitations Project (District 4)
This project includes removal of the existing pump stations and construction of two new pump stations at Heritage Park and Sherwood Park. 
Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to the lowest, responsible bidder, Garney Companies, Inc., in the amount of $2,015, 457, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $201,546 (10%), for a total amount of $2,217,003.  This project is funded by the FY19/20 Transportation Department Environmental Compliance Fund.

4 Take action on the following resolutions:
19-0747 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for a five-year term with the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority.  Under this Agreement, Mesa will provide one police officer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to the Airport, and the Airport will reimburse the City for personnel, travel and training, and vehicle expenses associated with the services provided. (District 6) *4-a

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19-0750 Approving and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Queen Creek Unified School District #95 for reimbursement of the salary and benefits of a Mesa Police Officer to perform School Resource Officer duties. (Citywide)

19-0748 Extinguishing a public utility easement located at 4312 East University Drive to allow for the development of a new retail center and storage unit business; requested by the property owner. (District 2)

5 Take action on the following resolution and introduction of the following ordinance, and setting July 8, 2019 as the date of the public hearing on the ordinance:
19-0773 A resolution declaring the document filed with the City Clerk entitled “Form-Based Code Amendments”, containing proposed amendments to
  • Mesa City Code, Title 11,
  • Mesa Zoning Ordinance
  • Chapters 56, 58, 59, and 60,
to be a public record and providing for the availability of the document for public use and inspection. (Citywide) *5-a

19-0759 An ordinance amending Mesa City Code, Title 11, Mesa Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 56, 58, 59, and 60 of Article 6: Form-Based Code by adopting “Form-Based Code Amendments” a public record of the City of Mesa and amending the definition of By-Passed Parcel  in Chapter 87 of Article 8: General Terms. (Citywide) *5-b

6 Introduction of the following ordinances and setting July 8, 2019 as the date of the public hearing on these ordinances:
19-0743 ZON19-00201 (District 6) 
Within the 9800 through 10000 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side) and within the 1400 through 1500 block of South Crismon Road (west side).  Located at the northwest corner of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and Crismon Road
(15 ± acres). 
Rezoning from PEP-PAD to PEP-PAD; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of a group commercial center with office and commercial uses.  Gilmore Planning & Landscape Architecture, applicant; Virtua Mesa Crismon Owner LLC; and SWC Crismon & Hampton LLC, owners.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)

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19-0674 ZON18-00891 (District 3) 
535 West Baseline Road.  Located west of Country Club Drive on the south side of Baseline Road (1.4± acres).  Rezone from NC to LI.  This request will allow for the development of an industrial use.  Matthew Rettig, applicant; PDE Investments, LLC, owner.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)

19-0742 ZON19-00193 (District 4) 
Within the 400 block of North Matlock Street (east side).  Located north of University Drive and west of Stapley Drive (0.38 ± acres).  Rezone from RM-4 to RS-6.  This request will allow for the development of single residences. Andrea Forman, Forman Architects, applicant; Jesus Ludwig/Reina Salustia Roman, owners.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (7-0)

19-0741 ZON18-00067 (District 6) 
Within the 9500 through 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side).  Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road
(33± acres). 
Rezoning from NC-BIZ, NC-PAD and PEP-PAD-CUP to RM-2-PAD; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for a single-residence subdivision.  
Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, LLC, applicant
Crismon BFC, LLC owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Denial (Vote: 3-3)

18-1335 ZON18-00066 (District 3)  The 1000 through 1100 blocks of South Alma School Road (west side) and the 1200 through 1300 blocks of West Southern Avenue (north side).  Located at the northwest corner of Alma School Road and Southern Avenue
(16± acres).  Rezoning from LC to RM-5 PAD for 10.5± acres.  Rezoning from LC to LC-PAD for 5.5± acres; and Site Plan Review for 16± acres. 
This request will allow for the development of multi-residential and commercial uses. 
Adam Baugh, Withey Morris, PLC, applicant
WM Grace Development Co., ETAL, owner.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)
For continuance to the August 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinance:
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19-0675 ZON19-00064 (District 2) 
Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road, on the north side of Baseline Road
(6.8 ± acres).  Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use. 
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Anthony Miachika, Pacific Rim Group, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)

8 Take action on the following subdivision plat:
19-0744 “Charolotte Desert Heights” (District 5) 
Within the 2900 block of North Kashmir Circle (west side).  Located east of Recker Road and north of McDowell Road (0.3 ± acres).  David D. & Charolotte Rae Jones, developer; Lloyd E. Pew, Pew Surveying LLC, surveyor. *8-a

Items not on the Consent Agenda
9 Items from citizens present.  (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker). 10 Adjournment.¹

> Final Agenda for Study Session Wed 26 June 2019 at 3:30 pm
2 Review items on the agenda for the June 26, 2019 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.
 3 Planning Director's Updates.
(The items in the Planning Director’s Updates are not for Board discussion and no Board action will be taken on the updated items.)
MINUTES FROM JUNE 12: 2 Extracts 
> Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases:
4-a PZ 19065 ZON18-00067 District 6.
Within the 9500 through 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road. 
(33± acres).
Rezoning from NC-BIZ, NC-PAD and PEP-PAD-CUP to RM-2-PAD
Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for a single-residence subdivision.
  • Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, LLC, applicant
  • Crismon BFC, LLC owner.
 (Companion case to Preliminary Plat “Bella Encanta”, associated with item *5-a).
Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Procedural Denial (Vote: 3-3;
Boardmember Crockett, recused)

> 5Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plats:
5-a PZ 19076 “Bella Encanta” District 6.
Within the 9500 through 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road. 
(33± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
  • Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, LLC, applicant
  • Crismon BFC, LLC owner.
(Companion case to ZON18-00067, associated with item *4-a).
Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Procedural Denial (Vote: 3-3;
Boardmember Crockett, recused)
> Final Meeting Agenda for Public Hearing
Wed 26 June 2019 at 4:00 pm
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda.  Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at www.mesaaz.gov to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed. Call meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings.
PZ 19080 Minutes from the June 12, 2019 study session and regular public hearing

3 Take action on the following zoning case:
ZON19-00200   District 5. Within the 7500 block of East Broadway Road (south side). Located on the south side of Broadway Road and west Sossaman Road. (2.2± acres). Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for development of a medical facility.
  • Todd Lawrence, applicant
  • Charles Jost, Southwest Cardiovascular Associates, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning case:
PZ 19068 ZON18-00951 District 6.
The 6000 through 6400 blocks of the south Crismon Road alignment (east side), the 10000 to 10600 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side) and the 6000 through 6400 blocks of South 222nd Street (west side). Located south of Williams Field Road and west of Signal Butte Road (170± acres). Rezone from AG and PC to PC. This request will amend the Pacific Proving Grounds North Community Plan, also known as the Cadence Community Plan and establish the Avalon Crossing Community Plan. Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert PLLC, applicant; Pacific Proving, LLC, owner. (Continued from  June 12, 2019)
Planner: Tom Ellsworth Staff Recommendation: Continuance to July 10, 2019
ITEM *4-a
File #: PZ 19068   

Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready

In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 6/12/2019

Title: ZON18-00951 District 6. The 6000 through 6400 blocks of the south Crismon Road alignment (east side), the 10000 to 10600 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side) and the 6000 through 6400 blocks of South 222nd Street (west side). Located south of Williams Field Road and west of Signal Butte Road
(170± acres).
Rezone from AG and PC to PC.
This request will amend the Pacific Proving Grounds North Community Plan, also known as the Cadence Community Plan and establish the Avalon Crossing Community Plan.
  • Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert PLLC, applicant
  • Pacific Proving, LLC, owner.
(Continued from June 12, 2019)
Planner: Tom Ellsworth
Staff Recommendation: Continuance to July 10, 2019


Commission on the Status of Women >> Join us and Chelsea Clinton at the U.N. (or virtually) on 3/19

              Unchained At Last February 28, 2025 Join us and Chelsea Clinton at the U.N. (or virtually) on 3/19 ...