Saturday, June 24, 2017

LDS Still Enforce LGBTQ Discrimination In The Right To Free Speech

This June 2017 in the 21st Century, as cities and towns around the United States mark Pride Month, Mormon Church Elders, Presidents and Bishops [yes they conflate governing and politics in their inner circles] responsible for administrating local wards and stakes continue to enforce their 19th Century Made-in-America revelations calling themselves "Latter-Day Saints" where discrimination is rampant getting called-out time-and-time again.
At an October 2010 LDS General Conference in a speech called "Pride and the Priesthood" ,  , Second Counselor in the First Presidency said this
One more recent example this year is the decision by The Quorum of The Twelve Elders to dis-connect LDS sponsorship from The Boy Scouts of America; otherwise they would have to change their practice of discriminating against "gay" youth who wanted to join the troops in their churches, wards and stakes.
There are, in addition, ongoing issues with LDS religion-based privately-owned charter schools receiving funds for public education in education.
Many real estate developers here in Mesa usually put up cookie-cutter churches before schools. There as lingering questions as well here in government and politics where adherents to the Mormon Church - even elected officials have held the office of Bishop or President in LDS stakes/wards, and now here's an issue of "free speech" getting attention from AP reporter Brady McCombs in this report: 

Mormon Girl Reveals She's Gay at Church and Leaders Cut Her Microphone
8:56 AM
(SALT LAKE CITY) — A video of a young Mormon girl revealing to her congregation that she is lesbian and still loved by God — before her microphone is turned off by local church leaders — is sparking a new round of discussions about how the religion handles LGBT issues.
McCombs goes on to write in a fair, balanced and informed manner, in some of these extracts from his published article on Time [LINK to entire report is available below] 
". . . The Mormon religion is one of many conservative faith groups upholding theological opposition to same-sex relationships amid widespread social acceptance and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing gay marriage. At the same time, the Mormon church is trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people. . .
"I do not choose to be this way and this is not a fad," Savannah said on May 7. "I cannot make someone else gay ... I believe that God wants us to treat each other with kindness, even if people are different, especially if they are different."
Her microphone was muted after about two minutes — shortly after she said she's not a "horrible sinner" and that she someday hopes to have a partner, get married and have a family. She turned around to listen to something a man in a suit told her and then was walked down from the pulpit. . .
Here's a YouTube video upload

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