Sunday, June 18, 2017

Too Hot To Deal With This: Fed Falters + Trump Gets Probed Whee! So Much Fun, Huh?

Your MesaZona blogger likes this kind of reporting, especially when Phil Davis writes:
"I know this article will be censored on most MSM outlets that publish me, but someone has got to say something to stop this thing.  This isn't just a mistake – this is National Suicide and, unlike the song, it will not be painless!  If you are an American, a real American – Democrat or Republican – you have to think about what is really going to be good for your country and your children's future.  If you think that giving $1.1M tax cuts to people who make $3.7M a year or more (top 0.1%) ACCORDING TO FORBES is the best thing your country can do right now – then feel free to let it happen.  If not… Well, as they say:  "If you see something – SAY SOMETHING!   
. . . So either the Trump budget is dead or you should quickly make arrangements to get out of the country while you still can because, even at "just" $20Tn, your share of the National Debt is $165,897 (each taxpayer). . . "
Read his post from last Thursday

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