Friday, June 30, 2017

Mesa Chamber of Commerce Disrupted: Move To A New Location

Got this email in the inbox 2 daysagony/no reason provided for re-location fromhigh-visibility location at 40 N Center Street where the offices have been for years,into a 2nd floor Suite at the downtown campus of Mesa Community College.
Good morning, Everyone
As some of you may know, and others will now find out, The Chamber is moving!
This week, in order to facilitate that move, CHAMBER OFFICES (both old and new) will be closed Wednesday, June 28th-Friday, June 30th.
We will be open Monday, July 3rd, at the new location. We will again be closed Tuesday, July 4th.
The New Chamber Address will be:
165 N. Centennial Way, Suite #208
Mesa, AZ. 85201
If you should need Chamber assistance in any capacity, please feel free to send an email to the staff member you need, or email, and we will respond as soon as we are able.
Link to new location map >

It's hard to find the new digs tucked away on the second floor of the sprawling MCC DTMesa campus that occupies 145-165 N Centennial Way directly across from the low-rise Phoenix Mesa Marriott Hotel adjacent to the Mesa Convention - it's center left in the in the peaked section with a palm tree where there appear quite a few 'under-utilized' spaces that could definitely use some 're-proposing' in one way or another maybe with a cross-town shuffle of the Chamber of Commerce into real estate leased to higher education institution MCC?
There seems to have been not much time to plan in-advance for the move.
So far no signage of any kind on the new chamber even though the email stated
We will be open Monday, July 3rd, at the new location . . "

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