Saturday, June 24, 2017

Don't Get Over-Exposed To Excessive Heat, but DO ENJOY Cool Inside Places Here Today In The New Under-Rated Urban DTMesa

So much to do - how much time DO U have?
avoid driving if you can and take fast, efficient fully-efficient, fast/air-conditioned Valley Metro Light Rail to downtown Mesa. Two platform destinations downtown to get here. Within ten minutes walking-time to each other there's at least three free fun things to do, all within 10 minutes of a walk-around relay between them + places to eat and stay hydrated with refreshing beverages and two craft-beer emporiums.
[Special Downtown Summer Art Market today peeking @ U]

Start off with arts if you want - The Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum is steps away from the Center/Main Street Valley Metro Light Rail Station - pause and enjoy the sounds from flowing water features before free admission to three concurrent exhibitions called FLOURISH. Lost Dutchman Coffee Roasters - and smoothies - are steps back on the NWC of Center & Main Streets, Margaritas is close by ... on the other side of Main is great Thai food @ Nunthaporn's.
Or head north to the side of City Hall Plaza one block to the Mesa Main Public Library at 64 E 1st Street where there's a BIG BOOK SALE today - pulp fiction and non-fiction, hardcover and paper-back, magazines and sets of books, audio books, DVDs, CDs, vinyl records and more to browse through and buy.Vending machines for cold beverages inside in air-conditioned comfort.
Funds from the sale of 'used books' are used to start and support programs and services for the public... and it's less than 10 minutes away to SW Herb Shop on Center Street.
Bringing along the family with kids? There's an admission fee for the IDEA Museum on Robson Street, just 2 blocks from the Country Club/Main light rail platform. Antiques u like?
Stop by Michelle's Vintage Market Place on the west side of Robson just above Main Street where u and the kids and family can grab a sandwich at Worth Take-Away ... For those without kids who need a good brew there's Oro Brewery almost right next door.
Spectator sports fans?
Large screens available at most bars and breweries - drinks and eats.

Pizza lovers?  Greek Salad. Chicken Wings. Great People.

Wander around the New Urban DTMesa and you can discover for yourself more of the small wonders right here - I'll leave it to you to find out.


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