Friday, June 23, 2017

US Conference of Mayors Miami 2017 Jun3 23-26 2017

85th Annual Meeting
June 23-26, 2017 in Miami Beach
The first day of is coming to a close for the evening. Join us again tomorrow morning for day two of the 85th Annual Meeting.
USCM Releases Latest Metro Economies Report  
Link >
Mayors See Infrastructure Investment As Key To Future As U.S. Metros Lead Nation’s Job Growth, But Many Still Lag Behind                             
Issued during Infrastructure Week in Washington, D.C., the mayors’ report also points to infrastructure spending as an economic tool that holds the promise of generating job growth across these metros. Such investment, if funneled directly to metro regions, can create jobs faster, relieve congestion, decrease costs to businesses and increase productivity—all of which further accelerates growth. The entire report and its key findings can be found here.
“Some of the oldest infrastructure is in the Rust Belt metros, which our data show have lagged the national recovery and expansion. And while infrastructure investment is not a cure-all, it can provide cities a “shot in the arm” to help jumpstart their local economies,” said U.S. Conference of Mayors President Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett.
But increased infrastructure spending is also needed in high growth areas. The report’s findings project that over the next 30 years, the U.S. metro population will grow by 66.7 million people, almost all of the nation’s total population growth. By 2047, 72 metros will have population exceeding 1 million, compared to only 53 in 2016. In addition, five metros will have over 10 million people by 2047 – whereas only 2 currently meet that benchmark.  And as the metro areas grow, so will traffic congestion.
U.S. metros are already the most congested areas in the country. In fact, from 2013 to 2014, 95 of the nation’s largest 100 metros saw increased traffic congestion, up from 61 from 2012 to 2013. The price tag associated with this congestion, which is the value of wasted time and fuel, is estimated at $160 billion in 2014 for U.S. urban areas, or $960 per commuter.
Mayors maintain that infrastructure investment in roads, rails, bridges and other forms of transportation will help relieve the bottlenecks impeding economic expansion, noting for example, the 4.8 billion hours of travel delay . . . Go to Link to read entire press release

Live Video from the 85th Annual Meeting Go here >                     
La Mesita on Main Street Mesa AZ
Mesa Mayor John Giles is attending the conference officially listed as being on the Standing Committee and
Task Force for Community Development and Housing
  • Setti D. Warren, Newton, MA, Chair
  • Jorge O. Elorza, Providence, RI, Vice Chair
  • Ed Pawlowski, Allentown, PA, Vice Chair
  • John Giles, Mesa, AZ, Vice Chair for Workforce Housing
Staff Contact: Eugene Lowe
El Rancho del Arte/Community Development Partners
That's a good thing - and a challenge for the mayor - a Task Force is created by the President of the Conference to address individual issues requiring the immediate attention of a select group of mayors.
Task Force recommendations are submitted to the organization as a whole and generally serve as the basis for Conference policy positions.
[A Task Force is not intended to serve as a permanent body within the organization. When a Task Force mission is completed, the issue it addressed usually is assigned to a permanent Standing Committee for continued monitoring; and the Task Force is disbanded.]

About the Conference
The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are 1,408 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.
Conference members speak with a united voice on organizational policies and goals. Mayors contribute to the development of national urban policy by serving on one or more of the conference’s standing committees. Conference policies and programs are developed and guided by an Executive Committee and Advisory Board, as well as the standing committees and task forces which are formed to meet changing needs.
During the Conference’s Annual Meeting in June, standing committees recommend policy positions they believe should be adopted by the organization. At this time, every member attending the annual meeting is given the opportunity to discuss and then vote on each policy resolution. Each city, represented by its mayor, casts one vote.
The policy positions adopted at the annual meeting collectively represent the views of the nation’s mayors and are distributed to the President of the United States and Congress.
In addition to the ongoing work of the Conference’s standing committees, mayors are organized into task forces to examine and act on issues that demand special attention such as civic innovation, exports, hunger and homelessness, and brownfields.
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